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Forums -> Covens -> Re: Order Of Sin
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Original Post:
by: Warlock on Aug 11, 2007

Easy there killer (Baphomet, if this guy/gal is a fruad just let him simmer in his own stupidity. No sense in working yourself up. But I too have heard of this Coven or should I say cult.Their methods are very contirevesal to say the least. This is why they went underground even from the magical community several years ago. I hate they kicked you out for helping people but you must have broken a tenant or something. I really wish Order Of Nine Angels would come back from seclusion. They were the tuffist coven around. I heard they were banned or something like that out of the U.S., thats why Order Of Sin came into the picture. But I am not a member (Just what I have heard over the years).