3. Stand erect without stiffness, arms at sides. If sitting, sit with spine erect, feet parallel and firmly planted, hands palms down on thighs. Always stand unless unable.
4. Visualize all about you a long ellipsoid of intense bright blue light. It extends to about 9 inches beyond the surface of your body all around and to about 16 inches above your head and below floor level at your feet.
5. Visualize within the summit of that aura, slightly above not touching your head a globe of brilliant white light.
6. Concentrate your attention on this globe so that it becomes brighter, glowing white like burning magnesium. You don't need to look upward, just sense it's presence. You are making this image to represent the light of your Higher Self, which is truly there and you imagine this globe above your head not touching you because you do not in any way identify your Higher self with your conscious self, your ego personality.
7. Be aware of these two images: the intense bright blue ellipsoid in which you are entirely contained and the white globe over your head occupying the apex of the auric shape.
8. Aware of the brilliant globe over your head, aspire to the highest good you are capable of conceiving.
9. When you feel ready, see that dazzling globe sending down glittering white light. This light, filled with silver sparkles, floods your aura and at the same time completely permeates you, coursing vibrantly through you.
10. The outer shell of your aura remains sharply defined as an ellipsoid of intense bright blue all filled now with the living vibrant, sparkling white light. Continue this for some time (as long as you can effectively concentrate on it) seeing it as a living, moving reality. The brilliance flows down continually into you and around you - it is inexhaustible, for it is a part of the Source of All - and in your aura it continually circulates, sparkling, reinforcing that hard, sharply defined and brilliant blue outer shell. Be aware of yourself, blissful and alert at the center of this glorious manifestation of Divine Power. Let it fade from your consciousness, knowing at the same time that it has not faded from reality.
Tower of Light - Emergency Method
1. Visualize at once the auric ellipsoid of intense bright blue around you, and within its apex, just above your head, the brilliant white sphere of the light of your Higher Self.
2. Aware of the brilliant globe over your head, aspire to the highest good you are capable of conceiving, realizing though this globe is a visualized symbol, it represents a part of the true Divine force.
3. See that dazzling sphere sending down a glittering white light. This light, filled with silver sparkles, floods your aura and at the same time completely permeates you, coursing vibrantly through you. See the sharp blue outline of your aura's hard protective shell.
4. Keep this in visualization for as long as the need lasts or as long as you can. When you let the image fade from your consciousness, know the reality of this protection is still invisibly around you.