Magic Forums
A Ritual of Protection and Elemental Working
by John Gilbert and additional material by John Michael Greer
first step in forming the Sphere of Protection is to perform the
Elemental Cross Ritual . The next step is to banish and invoke the
Elements starting with Air in the East. The system being proposed here
both invokes the positive aspects of the Element in question and
banishes the negative aspects. The positive aspects are those which
nourish and enrich the ritualist and others while the negative aspects
are those which are considered to be harmful to the ritualist or
We start with Air in the East as a matter of convention. There
is, of course, no reason why the ritualist may not start with any
direction. There's also no reason not to assign the Element of Air to a
different direction at the option of the ritualist. In point of fact,
if you already assign the Air Element to another direction, there's no
reason why you should not continue to do so.
In the rituals to follow certain colors are assigned to each
Element. While these are the customary colors for some people they are
not universal. The ritualist may already have another color assigned to
the Elements or may prefer to use another color. This is a matter of
personal choice. In any event, we're going to start with the Element of
Finally, the ritual concludes with the Circulation of the Cross
of Light. These steps are best learned one at a time, as follows.
[b] The Elemental Cross Ritual [/b]
The Elemental Cross Ritual is the same ritual as the more
modern Kabbalistic (or Qabalistic) Cross, but with different words. In
reality, the Qabalistic Cross is just one form of the Elemental Cross
which uses Hebrew God Names. In the basic Elemental Cross, the
ritualist may use any names for Deity the ritualist desires.
The intention of the Elemental Cross Ritual is to create a
spiritual space where negative energies cannot exist and to enhance
positive energies for the benefit of the ritualist. The ritual is
composed of seven distinct steps:
1. Preparation
2. Touch your forehead
3. Touch your lower abdomen
Touch your right shoulder
4. Touch your left shoulder
5. Form a standing cross
6. Complete the ritual
[b] Preparation [/b]
Find a space where you can stretch your hands out to your sides
while standing erect. Calm yourself and relax. Center yourself and let
the cares of this world fade away. Take a deep breath and exhale
completely then breath deeply and slowly. Stay mentally alert and let
all your thoughts fade away. Stand erect with your hands at your side.
Touch your forehead
Reach up with your right hand above your head as far as you can
reach. Hold your wrist straight and don't bend it. Bring your fingers
together and draw a straight line down to your forehead. As you draw
this line, imagine or visualize it as a line of white light that
extends to infinity above and comes down through the crown of your head
to the middle of your head. Rest your fingers momentarily on your
forehead, intone the name of Deity and then continue with the next
Some people hold their index and middle fingers together with
their thumb, the three digits touching each other. The other two
fingers are folded down into the palm of their hand. Others hold their
index and middle fingers erect, fold their other two fingers down into
the palm of their hand and rest their thumb on those two fingers. Yet
others use only their index finger and fold the others into their
palms. You decide which fingers you want to use and how.
Intone the name of Deity you want to use when your fingers
touch your forehead. What name you use is entirely up to you. Some
people use their name for the Creator of the Universe when touching
their forehead. Others consider the head to be a combination of
Father-Mother God. Most consider this point to be the masculine father
part of their pantheon.
Intoning may be done aloud, silently or any way in between. It
may be done with a wide vibrato, called vibrating, with no vibrato, or
any way in between. Some people mumble. Others speak distinctly. You
decide how you want to intone what names of Deity.
Touch your lower abdomen
This point is about half-way between your belly button and
public line. As you bring your hand to this position draw a line of
white light from the middle of your head to the middle of your lower
abdomen halfway between your front and back. Imagine or visualize this
white line as continuing downward to infinity. You now have a line of
white light extending through you to infinity above and below. Rest
your fingers here momentarily and intone the name of Deity you assign
to this place. Some people next point down to infinity and then go to
the next step. Others just go to the next step.
Some people consider this to be the place of Spirit Below just
as the forehead indicates Spirit above. Others consider it to be the
god of the Earth. Most consider this the place of the young god, son of
the father god, and the vertical line represents the masculine old and
deities. Decide what name of Deity you want to use for this part of the
Touch your right shoulder
Touch your right shoulder and imagine or visualize a line of
white light extending to infinity on your right. Imagine this light
going not into your shoulder but straight through your side to your
heart. Rest your fingers on your shoulder momentarily and intone the
name of Deity you want to assign to this direction. Then move to the
next step.
Those people who consider the forehead to represent the Creator
usually consider the right shoulder to represent the masculine aspect
of Deity. Most people who consider the vertical line of white light as
representing masculine Deity, also consider the horizontal line to
represent feminine Deity. They consider the right side of the crossbar
to represent the older feminine aspect of Deity. Decide what name of
Deity you want to use for this portion of the crossbar on the Elemental
Touch your left shoulder
Touch your left shoulder and visualize or imagine the horizontal
line of what light coming straight out from your heart and extending to
infinity on your left. Rest your fingers on your left shoulder
momentarily and intone the name of Deity you want to assign to this
direction. Then go to the next step.
Those people who consider the forehead to represent the Creator
usually consider the left shoulder to represent the feminine aspect of
Deity. Most people who consider the vertical line of white light as
representing the feminine aspect of Deity, also consider the left side
of the crossbar to represent the younger famine aspect of Deity. Decide
what name you want to use for this portion of the crossbar on the
Elemental Cross.
Form a standing cross
Extend both of your arms out to the side forming a standing
cross. Visualize or imagine a line of white light extending from your
heart straight ahead to infinity and straight back to infinity thus
making a three-dimensional Elemental Cross. Intone the name of Deity
you assign to the forward and backward directions, the name you assign
to Deity Within or a phrase you use for completing the Elemental Cross.
Then bring your hands together in the prayer position and close
the ritual or bring your right hand to your heart letting your left
hand return to your side. Then drop your right hand to your side or
instead of touching your heart just bring both your hands to your side.
You have several options for closing this ritual. Select one you
[b] An Example of the Elemental Cross Ritual [/b]
Having prepared myself for doing a spiritual ritual, I stand
facing East the direction of the rising Sun. I extend my right hand
upward to a position representing Deity Unmanifest and draw the white
light down to the middle of my head and upward to infinity while
bringing my hand down to my forehead. I intone: "Hu the Mighty, Great
Druid God."
I bring my fingers from my forehead to my lower abdomen while
bringing the white light from my head through my heart to my sacral
plexus and on to infinity below. I intone: "Celi the Hidden One, Spirit
of Life."
I bring my fingers to my right shoulder while visualizing a
line of white light extending from my heart to infinity on my right. I
intone "Ceridwen the Wise, Keeper of the Cauldron." Then I move my hand
to my left shoulder while visualizing the white light going from my
hear to infinity on my left while I intone: "Niwalen of the Flowers,
Child of Earth."
I make the sign of the cross holding my hands straight out with
palms facing the Earth while visualizing the white light extending from
my heart to infinity both in front of me and behind me. I intone:
"Protect me now and forever I pray." Lowering my hands to my side I
intone: "Awen."
This ends the example of the Elemental Cross Ritual. Use your
own words and create your own ritual for your purposes. One of those
purposes is to Circulate the Light of the Cross. Another is to form a
Sphere of Protection and then Circulate the Light. Practice this daily
for a week before going on to the next step.
[b] Invoking and Banishing Air Elementals [/b]
The elementary basics of ritual are the Elements themselves. The
first element is the Element of Air. It's normally attributed to the
East and to the Mind. Air provides the Archetypes from which everything
is manifested. Without this initial thought, without the Archetypes,
nothing can exist.
The ancient symbol for the Air Element is a circle with a
vertical line extending above it. The circle represents Spirit which
has no beginning and no ending, it's continuous and everlasting. Since
air rises, it's natural to think of Air as "arising out of Spirit." We
use this symbol for the Element of Air and acknowledge there are
several others which could be used. It's important to understand that any symbol can be used to
represent anything. Symbols are important only in what they mean to us.
Yes, there are Universal Symbols but these often have different
meanings according to different authors.
A circle, for example, is a symbol for Spirit but it's also a
symbol of infinity, unity and community. In my discussions of ritual,
the circle will represent the Element of Spirit and the Circle with an
upward pointing line at the top, where the line is about as long as the
circle is wide, will represent the Element of Air.
You're free to read these instructions and use your own
symbols. You're free to alter these instructions to suit your own
purposes. Ritual is individual because Magick is individual. Ritual is
universal because a lot of people use the same symbols. You get to
decide how you want to do your own rituals.
You make the symbol for the Element of Air by facing East with
your index finger pointing straight ahead at eye level. Draw a circle
in the air from that point clockwise to a point about level with your
lower belly and back to the beginning point. Your lower belly is below
your belly button and above your public line. Then draw a vertical line
straight up as far as you can reach. Imagine or visualize the line you
draw to create this symbol as a bright celestial yellow colored flame
about an inch thick. Imagine or visualize this flaming yellow colored
flame completely filling the circle of your symbol. Also imagine or
visualize that you can easily see through this transparent yellow
colored flame. Imagine or visualize these things. You've just completed the second part of the Invocation of the
Element of Air Ritual. The third part is to state your intention for
calling upon the Element of Air. This intention is related to the World
of Air, the World of the Mind. Your intention can be to remove mental
confusion, improve mental concentration or attention, improve memory or
memory recall, expand your mind, improve your attitude or anything the
World of Air controls. The World of Air is your mind, your thoughts and
ideas, imagination, memory, attitudes, concentration
and attention.
So choose any of these things as your purpose.
This brings us to the first part of the Invocation of the
Element of Air Ritual. The first part is to have a good intention in
mind before invoking the Element of Air. If you don't have a good
intention in mind, the Element of Air will come at your calling and do
what it thinks is best for you at the time. This can be positive or
If that's what you want, you can skip the first step. Or, you
can decide that's going to be your intention and state it something
like: "I invoke you to improve my Mind by doing what needs to be done
without harm to me or anyone." The third part of the ritual is to state
your purpose in the form of: "I invoke you to _____" and fill in the
The fourth part of the ritual is to leave it open to allow the
Element of Air to do whatever it is you request. This may take a few
moments or a few hours at your option. You could invoke Air to assist
you with your attention today and leave the ritual open all day long.
You could also invoke Air to assist you with your attention today and
close the ritual within a few moments. How long you leave the ritual
open is entirely up to you. Our preference is to meditate for a few
minutes and close the ritual. But, it's your ritual and your choice.
The fifth part of the ritual is to close the ritual. This is
done by facing East and tracing the Circle of Air in front of you in a
counter-clockwise manner. Then complete the symbol by drawing the
vertical line. Imagine this symbol as a flaming bright transparent
yellow color as before. Then thank the Element of Air for performing
the requested service. Something like this: "Thank you for assisting me
with ____ (fill in the blank according to your intention) and I release
you from this duty. At the same time I banish all negative thoughts and
ideas, all negative attitudes and all negative thought energy far away
from me."
This completes the Invocation of Air Ritual.
The Banishing of Air Ritual is done by drawing a
counter-clockwise circle of bright yellow transparent flame with a
vertical tail as previously done. This is the first part. The second
part is to state your intention as "I banish all negative thoughts and
ideas, negative mental energy and attitudes, from within and around me.
I banish you far away from me." These two parts constitute the whole of
the Banishing of Air Ritual.
We suggest you practice both invoking and banishing Air every
morning for one week and see how things go for you. If you need more
practice, use as much time as you need. When you feel comfortable
invoking and banishing Air, proceed to the Element of Water.
[b] Invoking and Banishing Water Elementals [/b]
The five steps to perform an Invoking of Water Ritual are to
Decide upon and frame your intention,
2) Face West and draw the symbol
for Water clockwise in bright transparent blue flame,
3) state your
4) leave the ritual open for a period of time, and 5) close
the ritual.
Water is the Element of your Emotions and Relationships. It's
the child of Air. This means our Mind is the basis for our emotions.
Water is the Element of Love, Apathy, Peace, Anger, Fear, Joy,
Happiness, Sadness, and all your other emotions. Water is also the
World of your relationships both positive and negative. Your intention
for invoking Water is to help you overcome or improve your emotions or
relationships. Put your intention into your own words. This is Step
Face West and place your index finger in front of you at about
your lower belly. This point is the bottom of a triangle. Draw a line
up and to your left as far as you can reach at about eye level.
Continue drawing from left to right at this level to form the top base
of the triangle. At the right-most point of this base continue drawing
back down to the beginning point. Imagine this triangle as being
brilliant, transparent, blue flame composed of one inch think lines and
the blue flame filling the whole triangle. This is Step Two.
For Step Three voice your intention. Then wait as long as you
want for Water to do its thing. Leaving the ritual open for this
purpose is Step Four. Step Five is to draw this same Water symbol
counter-clockwise and imagine it as bright transparent blue flame while
thanking Water for the service provided: "Thank you Water for _____ and
now I banish all negative emotions and negative energy in my
relationships from within and around me."
The two steps for the Banishing of Water Ritual are to 1) Face
West and draw the symbol for Water counter-clockwise in bright
transparent blue flame, and 2) state your intention to banish negative
emotions and relationships far away from you. The first step is the
same as given above but the triangle is drawn counter-clockwise. The
second step is to state your intention to banish negative emotions and
negative energy in relationship from within and around you and keep
them far away from you.
We suggest you try these rituals for one week and see how
things go for you. If you need more practice, continue practicing the
rituals. If you feel comfortable with the Element of Water, proceed to
the next rituals for the Element of Fire.
[b] Invoking and Banishing Fire Elementals [/b]
The five steps to perform an Invoking of Fire Ritual are to
Decide upon and frame your intention,
2) Face South and draw the symbol
for Fire clockwise in bright transparent red flame,
3) state your
4) leave the ritual open for a period of time, and 5) close
the ritual. Fire is the Element of your Desires. Fire contains both Air
and Water and is the child
of both. Desires are a combination of thoughts (Air) and emotions
(Water). Fire is also the Element of your passions, drive, force,
energy, enthusiasm, intuitive insights, needs, wants and related
things. Your intention for invoking Fire is to help you improve,
realize, attain or
control one of these aspects of your life. Put your intention into your
own words. This is Step One.
Face South and place your index finger in approximately the
same position as for starting the symbol for Air. This point is the top
of a triangle. Draw a line down and to your right as far as you can
reach at about level with your lower belly. Continue drawing from right
left at this level to form the base of the triangle. At the left-most
point of this base continue drawing back up to the beginning point.
Imagine this triangle as being brilliant, transparent, red flame
composed of one inch think lines and the red flame filling the whole
triangle. This is Step Two.
For Step Three voice your intention. Then wait as long as you
want for Fire to do its thing. Leaving the ritual open for this purpose
is Step Four. Step Five is to draw this same Fire symbol
counter-clockwise and imagine it as bright transparent red flame while
thanking Fire for the service provided: "Thank you Fire for _____ and
now I banish all negative desires and energy from within and around
The two steps for the Banishing of Fire Ritual are to 1) Face
South and draw the symbol for Fire counter-clockwise in bright
transparent red flame, and 2) state your intention to banish negative
desires and energy far away from you. The first step is the same as
given above but the triangle is drawn counter-clockwise. The second
step is to state your intention to banish negative passions, energy,
drive, force, needs, wants and desires from within and around you and
keep them far away from you.
We suggest you practice these rituals for one week and see what
you think. If you need more practice, continue your practice. If you
feel comfortable with banishing and invoking the Element of Fire,
proceed to the next rituals for invoking and banishing the Element of
[b] Invoking and Banishing Earth Elementals [/b]
The five steps to perform an Invoking of Earth Ritual are to
Decide upon and frame your intention,
2) Face North and draw the symbol
for Earth clockwise in bright transparent green flame,
3) state your
4) leave the ritual open for a period of time, and
5) close
the ritual.
Earth is the Element of your Financial Affairs, Personal
Health and Physical Possessions. It's the child of Air, Water and Fire.
This means our thoughts, emotions and desires all affect our physical
world. Earth is the Element of Money, Financial Affairs, Health,
Possessions and the things that help you attain them. Put your
intention into your own words. This is Step
Face North and place your index finger in front of you at about
your lower belly. This point is the bottom of a circle. Draw a curving
line up and to your left and back to center at about eye level.
Continue drawing from this point around to the right to complete the
circle. Then
draw a vertical line straight down as far as you can reach while
standing straight. Imagine or visualize this circle as being brilliant,
transparent, green flame composed of one inch think lines and the green
flame filling the whole circle. This is Step Two.
For Step Three voice your intention. Then wait as long as you
want for Earth to do its thing. Leaving the ritual open for this
purpose is Step Four. Step Five is to draw this same Earth symbol
counter-clockwise and imagine it as bright transparent green flame
while thanking Earth for the service provided: "Thank you Earth for
_____ and now I banish all negative financial energy, illness,
disorder, or disability from within and around me."
The two steps for the Banishing of Earth Ritual are to 1) Face
North and draw the symbol for Earth counter-clockwise in bright
transparent green flame, and 2) state your intention to banish negative
financial energy and poor health far away from you. The first step is
the same as given above but the circle and downward tail are drawn
counter-clockwise. The second step is to state your intention to banish
negative finances and ill health from within and around you and keep
them far away from you.
We suggest you try these rituals for one week. Continue
practicing until you're comfortable with banishing and invoking Earth.
Then proceed on to the next lesson which discusses the Element of
[b] Invoking and Banishing the Spirit Element [/b]
The five steps to perform an Invoking of Spirit Ritual are to
Decide upon and frame your intention,
2) Face East and draw the symbol
for Spirit Above slightly in front of you and above your head in a
clockwise direction in bright transparent violet flame,
3) draw the
symbol for
Spirit Below slightly in front of you and toward your feet in bright
transparent orange flame,
4) touch your chest in the area of your heart
as a symbol for Spirit Within and visualize filling yourself with
bright white light, and 5) state your intention.
Spirit is the Element of your Spiritual Path and Spiritual
Energies. Here your highest intentions for your spiritual growth
intentions for our spiritual growth and banish all possible negative
intentions. Put your intention into your own words. This is Step One.
Face East and place your index finger in front of you and
pointing above you. This point is the front of a circle. Draw a curving
line around to your right to make a circle. Imagine or visualize this
circle as being brilliant, transparent, violet flame composed of one
inch think lines and a violet flame filling the whole circle. This is
Step Two.
Place your index finger in front of you and pointing down below
you. This point is the front of a circle. Draw a curving line around to
your right to make a circle. Imagine or visualize this circle as being
brilliant, transparent, orange flame composed of one inch think lines
and an orange flame filling the whole circle. This is Step Three.
Point your index finger at your heart and touch your chest.
This represents your Spirit Within. Imagine or visualize yourself being
filled with brilliant white light. This is Step Four.
For Step Five voice your intention to bring your highest
aspirations into your spiritual life and banish all you lower
The steps for banishing the Spirit Element are exactly the
same except the symbols for both Spirit Above and Spirit Below are
drawn in a counter-clockwise direction.
We suggest you try these rituals for one week. Continue
practicing until you're comfortable with banishing and invoking Earth.
Then proceed on to the next lesson which discusses how to Circulate the
Light of the Cross to create the Sphere of Protection.
[b] Circulating the Light of the Cross [/b]
Circulating the Light of the Cross can done after first
performing the Elemental Cross. It is also formed as the final step in
creating a Sphere of Protection. You're encouraged to find other ways
in which Circulating the Light of the Cross can be used. Circulating the Light following an Elemental Cross Ritual is done in the following manner:
Visualize the line of white light going through you from top to
bottom. This light intersects the horizontal line going through your
heart from left to right. Take a deep breath and visualize the line
above you rotating down to the front of you. At the same time, the line
below is rotating toward the back of you. As you exhale, spin this line
of light quickly around you. Take two more deep breaths and spin this
line faster and faster. Secondly, visualize the line of white light going through your
heart from left to right. This light intersects the vertical line going
through the middle of your body. Take a deep breath and visualize the
light on your right rotating toward the front of you. At the same time,
the light on your left is rotating toward the back of you. As you
exhale, visualize this line of light spinning around you
counter-clockwise. Take two more deep breaths and spin this line faster
and faster.
Thirdly, visualize the horizontal line of white light going
through your heart from left to right. This light intersects the
horizontal line going through your body from front to back. Take a deep
breath and visualize the line going out in front of you rotating up to
above you. At the same time, the line behind you is rotating down below
you. As you exhale, spin this line faster. Take two more deep breaths
and spin this line faster and faster.
You're now spinning three spheres of light around you. Each
sphere is spinning around one of the three arms of the cross. The three
spheres form one triple sphere spinning in three different directions
all at the same time. This is called a Ring-Pass-Not and forms an outer
Sphere of Protection with you as the center.
Circulating the Light after completing the Invoking and
Banishing Rituals is done in exactly the same manner. However, in this
case you also circulate the colored Elemental Symbols as well. This is
optional and forms a spinning multi-colored Sphere of Protection as the
three primary colors mix and remix constantly to blend the colors into
every color of the Rainbow. For this reason Circulating the Light
following the Invoking and Banishing Rituals is also known as creating
the Rainbow Sphere of Protection.