You can keep your whining about "oh stop writing threads complaining about whatever..."
This forum is called "Comments", so chill while I say a few things that AREN'T complaining. ;)
Through out the years I've been using this site I've run into a number of interesting characters and personalities. Some I really enjoyed, and others I could possibly strangle (firguritively speaking ;D). One thing I find myself particularly sticking to with all the "fads" streaming through these forums, is the groups/covens feature. I am one of those people to consequently belong to up to several covens at once, I'm rather known for it surprisingly. I've tried my hand in web design, and web creation, occasionally attempting to pull a portion of this website off to another website--usually one I spend hours tweaking and perfecting. They all ran into the ground.
I've put that to deep thought for quite some time, always attempting to figure out the 'spark' or the true appeal of this website, what makes it so different from those others online pagan communities.
I've come to the idea that this website has developed into its own little world, if you will. Something with its own laws, corruption, hopes, values, teachings, signature behaviors, and even its own--shall I say it--psuedo-economical system. Hm that one gave me a bit of a laugh. :)
Anyway so in the time I spend here, and the time I spend deliberating the many ways I fight the system (cheesy arm movement), I've gotten used to this place.
I believe the charm in this place is the intimate humanity. The conflicts we go through every day is really what keeps us coming back. Nobody can that it's because they want to teach, because we all know that's not true. The most respected members on here recently actually went through the trouble of discussing quizzes they'd give to the people who want them to be their mentors. While I was laughing at how silly and assuming that was I was thinking, "lol They don't teach, they don't even mentor on a regular basis, they answer the same droning questions with the same droning answers like, "research it" or "study your basics"."
And it dawned on me...
They like the humanity of this site. Even the most hoity toity stick up your fanny high and mighty "knowledgeable" no... "adept" member enjoys something here besides writing the same typical nonsense regarding words starting with 'b', having an 'a' and 's', and ending in 'ics'.
You like it here, I like it here. I like arguing, I like scheming, I like climbing the ranks and gaining respect.