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Original Post:
by: User30410 on Jul 01, 2008


I have been thinking of this saying since when i was a lil child and until now. This saying is so meaning to me. Many people says "DONT JUDGED A BOOK BY ITS COVER" or "DONT JUDGED A PERSON BY ITS APPEARANCE" but sadly they dont know the meaning of this or they do but they dont want to. This saying is always applied to a young lady, whenever or wherever she go. People always compared her to others that makes her fell conscious about her self. They always said " Hey lady, why dont you follow him/her, she/he is a good model." Others says "You're hopeless, you have no space in this world". And the worst was "hey lady, why dont u change ur life, ur life is such a dirt, it's sucks!!".And do u know wat did she do?She just smiled to them and walk away with tears in her eyes. She even heard others whispering at her back. Even her relatives compared her to her lil sister. One time she asked her self, "Do my family really loves me?"."What is the purpose of my life being here?" That's y she always prefer her self alone than to chitchat with others cause she's afraid it wil happen again. One day, she asked her mother, "Mama, y do ppl always compared me to others?". " I have my own life, I have my own time and I hav my own "COVER". Her mama just laughed at her.Sometimes ppl defined her a happy person because she's always smiling when they r there.But they dont know she's always crying like a cry baby that want love from her family. Yes, she loves her family more than her life. That's y she's always smiling even her heart is bleeding. They dont know that their daughter is bleeding in and out. Hunger for love, thirsty for care. Sometimes she thought that the only solution of her problem is to commit suicide. She tried it so many times but conscience always telling her about her past. The cheerful one, the happy one and the lovable one. But now the hated one. She's tired of her life, tired of being compared to others. And tired teaching them the meaning of the saying. All she want is to love her, understand her, and stop comparing her to others. And that thing they cant even give to her.

And she asked her self once more. "Do they really know the meaning of the saying?".