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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Nightmare
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Original Post:
by: Andlat on Feb 26, 2014

So for the past 4 or so months I've had a repetitive nightmare. Every night since around Thanksgiving 2013 I've had a nightmare of my ex boyfriend dying. When I first started having them, we were still dating, and it frightened me a lot because they were so vivid and I could hardly tell if they were real or not. I'd have to look at my phone and text him to make sure he was alive every morning. Now that we've broken up, I don't even know if he's alive or not until I see him at school, around the end of the day. I guess I should tell you about my dream, eh?

Usually I wake up in my mother's bed(She has a heated mattress so I usually sleep in there in the winter) and I sit up. I have a feeling of dread and feel very worried. My mother looks at me from the foot of the bed and tells me, "Morgan, he committed suicide. Matt is dead, hon." I shake my head and start sobbing, refusing to believe what she said. I feel like my soul is ripped out and torn into pieces. I always wake up screaming and crying. Apparently I call out his name in my sleep and cry as well. It tears me apart, because I know there's a possibility that it is true. He's always struggled with suicidal thoughts, so it makes everything 10 times more real feeling.

Thank you, and many Blessings,