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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Fluffies
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Original Post:
by: IrisMoon on Jun 22, 2014

I generally don't mind fluffies. I know they are still learning...and at one point, I was one too. Most of us if we start learning young end up slightly fluffy at some point. However, I do remember while learning that I ended up admitting being wrong so many times because well....I knew I was inexperienced and still learning.

Seems like newbies today that are fluffy....don't seem to realize at all they are such. On other sites ( sites big time), they think they know so much. I'm glad here there is less than that. Creates a lot less drama.

I know I need to learn to be more patient with the younger ones, but sometimes I feel that if they aren't called out right off the bat that the misinformation will just keep going. I'm a very traditional witch and I guess seeing terms mixed up, rpg info being used, and etc....that I get annoyed.

How do you guys handle newbies that are very very fluffy?