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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: Precognitive Dreaming
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Original Post:
by: ElementWren on Jun 15, 2016

I recently joined this coven (after having left the previous online coven I was in due to lack of activity with members of the coven) and have noticed different abilities have arisen. I come from a line of natural born witches in my family, though my mother refuses to talk magic since she believes it is too dangerous, even if she tolerates it if I practice it. Recently, I've been having a series of precognitive dreams. I've had dreams where conversations I've had after dreaming have happened, and dreams that certain events have happened. I don't really totally understand what will happen, for in the dream, things are very vague and I cannot say for sure what exactly will happen. But so far I am on a streak of precognitive and vague dreams for two days and what I've dreamt about has come up in conversation and life, even though no one knows of these dreams. I've just been wondering... is there any type of magic I can use or spells I can cast to help me make sense of these precognitive dreams I've been having, or some sort of divination I can use to make things more clear?

Everything counts,
