So the other day i made a video using real magick on a deck of playing cards and some ppl were skeptical about my magick i was using well some ppl said i had set it up cause cards could be setup in the shuffle Well today i do the exact same thing but this time using a Holy Bible And believe it or not my brain can read over 5000000 peices of text per second If u notice in my eyes they turn pure white And some ppl would say why use a Holy Bibile well how much more meaning will it give u when u read this text rather then just a ordinary book + God has littearly ruined everything i have to live for i cant go into detail but yeah So what happens is i close my eyes and randomly stop on a page with my eyes closed i read it close the bible again open the bible up and then close my eyes and this time i turn my head the other way that way u know im not lying and im telling the truth anyways Enjoy Universe :) Remember to like , share , subscribe , and tell your friends