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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Ideas for small rituals
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Original Post:
by: DarkSage5 on Jun 10, 2019

Hey all!

I'm looking to actually incorporate more magical practice in my life. Unfortunately, I'm limited by two things: time (as a med resident I work 60-80 hr weeks w an unpredictable schedule), and the fact that I'm very much in the broom closet.
I try to meditate/do yoga when I can, and I try to record something positive that I'm grateful for every day. I keep an eye on the moon phases and always know which full moon is coming up, but before I know it it's come and gone!
So I'm just looking for any small, subtle ways you guys like to incorporate your practice into your day. One of the things I feel a strong affiliation w is the phases of the moon, and ways you guys incorporate that into your practice as well would be great.
