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Forums -> Wicca -> Re: Advice with belief
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Original Post:
by: orch1d on Dec 19, 2024

Hi all,

I have a fundamental issue in my life where I have not been able to believe in anything. Organized religion does not work for me, I can't believe in God, I don't believe in ghosts or spirits or creatures or spells or anything like that. I'm interested in Taoism, which is not relevant here, what's relevant here is that I'm interested in Wiica, but I need help understanding to what extent I can subscribe to it and how it all works. As I progress into early adulthood I believe in less and less, I used to do Tarot readings but I no longer believe in Tarot or astrology, I just can't get myself to. Sciecne is slowly taking over my brain, maybe because of university. I am just seeking an opportunity to reconnect with spirituality in some way that works for me. Any advice?