This technique is best if done with a Crystal Ball 2-5 inches in diameter and works best on nights of the full moon.
Light one or two candles in a darkened, quiet room. You can hold the crystal or place it on a stand, but it should have a blue or black velvet cloth underneath it. Make sure that there are no reflections from anything showing in the ball. You can also burn incense if you wish. Patchouli works great for me. Before beginning, center yourself. Gaze into the ball, but do not stare. Try not to blink that much. While you are gazing, breathe in and out slowly and deeply. Just relax and gaze. You will feel a sense of limitless time. Enjoy the peacefulness and simply gaze. Do this for at least 15 minutes, and increase your time by 5 minutes with each succeeding session. Usually around the second or third session, you will notice a small cloudy glow in the center of the crystal. This is your focusing area where your visions will appear. You may get a vision on your first try, while others have to attempt it several times before seeing something. Go at your own pace. Just a small warning: Always remember the saying "Be careful what you wish for" while gazing. Think about what you wish to see before gazing. On my third session ( when I got my first vision ) I asked to see a vision of my previous life. I saw myself burning to death in a house fire. That was something that I didn't really enjoy remembering. Now I find that it is best to just gaze and receive whatever comes to me. Perhaps you can have more peaceful visions by doing that too. There are also different forms that visions come in. You can get actual visions of places and people, or you can get symbolic pictures. Another form that visions come in are color clouds. Although no one has been successful in identifying what each color cloud means, the following has been pretty accurate for a lot of seers. Blue clouds symbolize success of career or business. Gold clouds symbolize prosperity, steady cash flow, and renewed romance to come. Gray/Dark gray symbolize ill fortune. Black clouds symbolize some seriously bad stuff coming one's way. Green clouds symbolize health, happiness of the heart. Orange clouds symbolize hidden aggression and anger, troubled emotions. Red clouds symbolize danger to come. This person must watch themselves. Silver clouds symbolize troublesome times ahead followed by goodness. White clouds symbolize very good fortune to come. Yellow clouds symbolize upcoming obstacles.
meeraflame has been a member of the site for 14 years, since Jul 13, 2011
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