Cleansing -The Power of Salt

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How simple salt has been used as currency and can clear all types of negativity

Salt is one of the most powerful tools available-from healing to purifying to spectacular spells.

Used historically as currency-this wonderful mineral can work in money drawing spells.

For cleaning of negativity sea salt can be added to bath water with simple visualisation of washing the negativity away from the body.

Salt has always been used as protection against psychic attacks, and to disable unwanted psychic phenomena.

Ordinary salt may be sprinkled across thresholds and around the perimeter of dwellings, inside and out;

Salt mixed with sand is used for forming magic circles;

Rock salt crystals can be added to "medicine pouches", carried in pockets or worn in a small bag about the neck.

Sprinkling salt around someone's bed protects from unwanted night time visitors and reduces the likelihood of unwanted spontaneous OBEs.

Added to on May 08, 2012
Last edited on Jul 19, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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May 08, 2019
Is it possible to treat an infestation of demons/ negative entities with salt until it is removed?

May 11, 2019
I would suggest using salt in a binding or banishing spell/ritual (to bind and banish bind the negative spirit to an object and bury it fae away from your dwelling)

May 11, 2019
Oops I meant far

Nov 20, 2019
How does one remove a dark shadow that was put on him? Will salt help or do you have another method to this situation.

Nov 20, 2019
not sure what this ''shadow'' is. if it's a manifestation of negative energy, a salt bath can get rid of it. if you need a more powerful cleansing there are other options, but start with the salt and work your way up. ground your energy, meditate in the water, cleanse your home, and wear a protection item [or cast a protection spell on yourself and your home] this should get rid of 99% of negative energy related issues.

Jun 25, 2020
Thank you so kindly for your response.

Jul 24, 2020
I was told it is a negative shadow on my aura

May 28, 2020
Can you use salt to get rid of negativity in a relationship?

Apr 21, 2021
Relationship you say...You can try sprinkling salt around you boyfriends/husbands bed. If this doesn't work. I don't know what can because I am not very much trained yet.😅

Dec 07, 2024
I generally use palo santo wood for cleansing my area, tarot cards and crystals, but sometimes I use sea salt on a plate to cleanse those items. However, I've read not to use salt with moldavite, as I have a silver ring with moldavite stone. Anyone else hear this, and why is it not to be practiced?

Dec 24, 2024
There are some crystals that don't endure contact with salt very well and can get damaged. Particularly salt-water. However to my knowledge Moldovite is pretty resilient as it is a glassy tektite. Though salt-clensing moldovite is also unnecessary as it is a self-empowering stone. Much like Kyanite and Herkimer diamonds, it is self-maintaining. In fact it can be used to cleanse other crystals- sit a crystal with a piece of moldovite in the sun for a day, and it will be cleared and ready for empowerment/programming.
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