This is an article describing different herbs and their purpose benefiting the skin.
First, I want to explain herbs that help acne. They can be used as a treatment to help lessen acne breakouts, and make them disappear faster. However, they do not work as cures, only treatments.
The first one is licorice. You can prepare it as a tea. Licorice is an anti inflammatory, and are quite common. Don't drink it more than about a week, or effects could be negative.
Another herb is turmeric. This can also be prepared as a tea. Turmeric is an anti oxidant and anti inflammatory. They aren't as common as licorice, but turmeric can even come in certain spices.
Third is ginger. Ginger is a common anti inflammatory that is good mainly for the intestinal tract and immune system, but it's good for acne as well. You can put ginger in cooked food.
Believe it or not, cinnamon helps as well. It acts as an anti inflammatory. It can also stabilize weight gain and weight loss. You can add cinnamon to your food or drinks, and even cinnamon sticks are good for acne.
Lastly, black pepper. It increases the bioavail?abil?ity of almost all foods you add it too. Just add a pinch or two to your food, and it works well. Black pepper is extremely common.
That wraps up acne, but what if you have dry skin? I will tell you about herbs that help moisturize your skin, and make you even more flawless. But first, some causes of dry skin are things you might not expect. Taking to hot baths, smoking, repeated exposure to water, and lack of humidity.
One herb that is very common and you probably use in your lotion, is Aloe Vera. It's 95 percent water and includes healthy minerals and oils for your skin. It helps retain moisture in the hottest of weather, so if you have very dry skin, this will work best.
Sage is also a good herb because it contains resin, oil, and tannin. The leaves of sage are rich in vitamin A and C which help treat dry skin. Sage can also be used as a natural antiseptic.
Calendula as you may know is good to help treat wounds, but it's also good for it's moisturizing qualities. Two of the main ingredients are are resin and sterol.
Chamomile is a soothing herb that comes in a lot of bath products. It's good for different types of skin, and relaxes you while making your skin healthier by the minute.
One thing should be mentioned, but it's not an herb. Lavender oil is an oil that helps protect your skin from harsh weather environments and nourishes it. This also comes in many bath products.
Most people are afraid of aging, and don't want to gain wrinkles or dark spots, or saggy eyes. Aging is a part of life, but there are certain herbs that help prevent earlier aging.
Lemongrass works really well to help lessen the effects of aging. A lot of skin care products contain lemongrass. It tightens the skin, getting rid of wrinkles and helping dark circles.
Ginseng was originally used by the Chinese. It tones skin muscles and improves digestion which make you feel and appear younger.
Milk thistle is another good herb for aging. It helps the liver, which helps your appearance and skin health. Mainly its good for your insides, but studies show it can be linked to the outer side of your body.
I hope this article helped you! Thank you for reading.
TessaLove has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Jul 05, 2012
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