~ In this ritual, there is no calling forth the goddesses or calling the four corners and such.
We will be calling apon the Dryads, spirits of the trees. The reason why it says give and recieve is that we will be offering water to her, the tree spirit, and then we will state our need, for example. Say you need some financial help, or you may want protection over your baby. Remember you can only ask for things corresponding to earth, such as the pysical, fertility, or money. You need to give greetings, state why your here, what you need, and then give blessings and goodbyes; almost like your own little coversation with a friend.
You will need: ~One Green candle ~some incense ~ small bowl of water ~ A tree Tip~ the candle should be small and able to burn down very quickly. Give greetings ~ First so and sit by the tree you feel most comfortable, and indeed out of sight so we have no distractions. Then light your candle, incense, and in your hands hold up your bowl of water. Say: I invoke the dryads, spirits of the trees. I offer you this water as a gift, so in return i may receive a blessing. State why your here and What you need ~ Say: " i am here for_____________" If you know what you need but you don't know how to say it, try saying it a little like this," I am here for a Financial/fertility/physical need. And i need you to ___________." Now you can't ask for money because money does not grow off of trees, you need to ask for help on natural things, like if you have financial needs you may need help on working, which is using your physical body, If you need physical healing, or if you need help for protection over your baby or baby siblings. Give blessings and goodbyes ~ Say:"Thank you spirits of the trees for your precious blessings, may your spirits forever live in peace and serenity. Good day/night, blessed be." Now before you go you must wait until the candle is burned down completely, because their spirit will linger there until it is over, so will it the candle, so make your conversation as long as you can, and focused, and in peace. After the candle has burned down and the incense, take the water and pour it around the whole tree, gather any trash or things you left behind and cover the incense ash with dirt. Now let me say that you can't just rely on the spirits to protect your baby you need to take caution to, no drugs, no drinking, no doing acrobats. And you can't just expect that you do some work nd then get paid tons of money, were talking putting all your strength into but also knowing you have some help. And you can't rely on the spirits to heal you over night, you have to keep your self well medicated, and keep clean from bacteria. Remember the spirits are there to help you but they also need you to do a part...
maenen2 has been a member of the site for 13 years, since May 10, 2012
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