It is important that you cast a circle for a simple spell, or a very detailed ritual. Casting a circle allows an energy boost to be put into the spell, and also adds a protected boundary around you when practicing magick.
*(Note that casting a circle is not the same as a protective boundary)
Remember that when casting a circle, always move Deosil (clockwise) It is best to start in the direction North, element Earth. This direction is traditionally marked with a green candle and a representation (such as a rock, bowl of dirt, ect.).
An altar is traditionally set up in the center of the circle, or a Book of Shadows. Circles are sometimes surrounded with rocks, crystals, strings, sand, dirt, or chalk.
Face North, light the green candle, then stand in the God or Goddess position (link at bottom) and say the following: "I [your name] call the rulers of the direction North, element Earth, to protect me in this ritual on this day/night. Let my voice summon, stir, and call you forth to protect this sacred space. So mote it be!"
Face the direction East, element air, in the God or Goddess position. This direction is traditionally marked with a yellow candle and a representation (feather). Light the candle then say the following: "I [your name], call the rulers of the direction East, element Air, to protect me in this ritual on this day/night. Let my voice summon, stir, and call you forth to protect this sacred space. So mote it be!"
Face the direction South, element Fire in the God or Goddess position. This direction is traditionally marked with a red candle and a representation such as a smaller white candle. Light the candles then say the following: "I [your name] call the rulers of the direction South, element Fire, to protect me in this ritual on this day/night. Let my voice summon, stir, and call you forth to protect this sacred space. So mote it be!"
Face the direction West, element Water, in the God or Goddess position. This direction is usually marked with a blue candle and a representation (bowl of water, seashell). Light the candle and say the following: "I [your name] call the rulers of the direction West, element Water, to protect me in this ritual on this day/night. Let my voice summon, stir, and call you forth to protect this sacred space. So mote it be!"
Walk to the center of your circle and face the sky while saying the following: "As above" (Now face the ground), "So below" (Touch your heart), "As within" (Point outwards) "So without, in my heart, I have no doubt."
After you have done your ritual or spell, you must undo the circle. If you don't, it can break down and the spell sometimes does not work. Not undoing your circle also causes the energy to break down in a bad way. When un-casting your circle you start at the direction West, element Water, and work your way widdershins (counterclockwise).
Face West, element Water, and say the following: "Rulers of the direction West, element water. Thank you for protecting me and participating in my circle this night/day, go if you must, stay if you like. Blessings and farewell". Blow the candle out.
Face the direction South, element Fire, and say the following: "Rulers of the direction South, element Fire. Thank you for protecting me and participating in my circle this night/day, go if you must, stay if you like, Blessings and farewell." Blow the candle out.
Face the direction East, element Air, and say the following: "Rulers of the direction East, element Air. Thank you for protecting me and participating in my circle this night/day, go if you must, stay if you like, Blessings and farewell." Blow the candle out.
Face the direction North, element Earth, and say the following: "Rulers of the direction North, element Earth. Thank you for protecting me and participating in my circle this night/day, go if you must, stay if you like, Blessings and farewell." Blow the candle candle out.
Walk to the center of your circle and look at the sky, then say the following: "As above", (Look down) "So below", (Touch your heart) "As within" (Point outwards) "So without. With my heart, I have no doubt, Blessings and farewell." If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Autumn_Moon has been a member of the site for 12 years, since May 20, 2013
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