Crystals and Life Force Energy

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Using Preseli Bluestone and charging crystals with the Universal Life Force

The Universal Life Force and Preseli Bluestone

The Universal Life Force is said to run through time and space; that connecting the past, present, and future and its energy manifesting to us through the sun, the moon, and the earth. It is an energy matrix that encompasses the spiritual world and the physical one!

It is said that minerals(crystals) being part of the earth and formed from the earth contain a Life Force(energy) of the planet Earth which is a form in itself of the Universal Life Force; each crystal type with individual enlightening power and vibrational energy.

It is believed by some that crystals may be energized with the Universal Life Force of the world, like recharging a battery. This is said to be done by connecting to a universal power grid of sorts at certain times and in certain places on earth where and when the energy is accessible such as during celestial alignments.

It is known that the Universal Life Force encompasses and powers both the spiritual world and the physical world and that the location and place called Stonehenge in Europe is on the nexus of the many ley lines that connect the key spiritual centers of England.

Stonehenge is an ancient 5,000-year-old circular stone structure in southern England. There are some poeple who believe it was a place of healing, others believe that it was a burial ground and used for ancestor worship. It is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks and is in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds. The "bluestones" at Stonehenge were placed there during the third phase of construction around 2300 BC. The majority of the 43 remaining 2-4 ton stones are believed to have been brought from the Preseli Hills which are about 250 miles away in Wales. It is speculated that they were transported by humans or glaciation(by glacier).

Some have said that the white specs of feldspar in the darker blue grey color of augite in bluestone represent the stars in the sky. We now know that places like Stonehenge in Europe constructed with Preseli Bluestone are much more than some large stones arranged in a circle serving to identify celestial events. Preseli Bluestone, is considered to be virtually magical. It contains the chemical earth powers of a Harmanizer Crystal(pyroxine, augite) and has the class of a Filter(plagioclase feldspar) crystal. The augite harmonizer crystal balances and promotes harmony while the feldspar framework formed by three-dimensional grids of tetrahedrons of silicates act like a filter allowing positive to flow while blocking negative energy.

Stonehenge is a place that strongly connects the sun, the moon, and the earth. It is a place where the past, the present and the future seem to meld together, and it has long been believed to be a place where the spiritual world and the material world join together. The ancient poeple who built and convened at Stonehenge went to great lengths to use the Bluestone in its construction.

Preseli Bluestone may be used to bring the Universal Life Force into other crystals. It allows the flow of energy during certain times when the energy is accessible(celestial alignments) and in certain places on earth such as nexus' where ley lines connect like where the famous monument in Europe called Stonehenge is standing and ancient Preseli Bluestones have long stood.

Added to on Jul 11, 2014
Last edited on Mar 12, 2025
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