A lesson on the magic of fire

Covens Spell Casters  ► Articles  ► A lesson on the magic of fire
The following is a brief primer on the magical nature of fire. If you are unsure of how to apply this radiant element to your workings, perhaps this small article will be a beacon to your inspiration.

The biggest thing about fire is that it's a transmuter. It takes the physical (fuel) and transforms it into energy (light and heat). So burning a written wish, missive, offering, etc is akin to turning that physical thing also into energy, and so releasing it into the aether.

Fire, in that act of transmutation, is by nature a destroyer. Once transformed, a thing doesn't change back. Once let go, it doesn't come back.

Transformation also means purification. Shedding the physical impurities and leaving them behind. Light and heat (positive) leaving behind ash and smoke (negative). And that same purification brings protection as the cold (absence of energy) is filled with warmth (presence of energy) and darkness (absence of energy) is filled with light (presence of energy).

Fire, being a literal expression of 'presence' within 'absense', it expresses itself as a beacon and guide. Light shows itself strongest in darkness, and you can follow it to its source to find the safety it brings.

And, finally, what brings all of these things together under one banner is will. The 'presence of mind' that directs identity and authority, which manifests change and actualization. Everything that fire is, is what will does. It is the catalyst between thought (air) and emotion (water) and creation (earth) to perform change and commit to action.

Added to on Mar 19, 2025
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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