This ritual will increase your magical powers and energy.
You will need:
A set of crayons including red, orange, yellow, green, sky blue, dark blue, violet, black, gray, white, silver, and gold.
A medium to work on--cloth or paper on which all the colors will show up.
A red candle Fiery scented incense, such as sage or cedar.
First, establish your working circle, after you've gathered all your materials together. Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit and draw. You'll be here a while.
Face the east and say:
"Spirits of the East, powers of Air, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me find inspiration and visualize the symbols clearly that I may partake of their essence."
Face the south and say:
"Spirits of the South, powers of Fire, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me find the spirit within to empower the symbols and tune into their color energy."
Face the west and say:
"Spirits of the West,powers of Water, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me to seek the mystery within, that the symbols I draw here may work upon my emotions for my Highest Good."
Face the north and say:
"Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, I ask that you be present at this spell-working. Help me to manifest the symbols in the third-dimensional world so that their energies may become a part of my physical existence."
Face the sky and say:
"Father Sky, I ask that you watch over me in this spell-working. Lend me your wisdom so that I may bring safely link my inner vision with the outer Self."
Place your hands on the earth and say:
"Mother Earth, I ask that you watch over me in this spell-working. Let me ground myself deeply in you and draw on your strength and energy to sustain me in my work."
Face your altar in the center of the circle and say:
"Sacred center, Spirit of all that is, of whom we are all only aspects, unite this sphere into a protected space for the spell-working I plan to do here."
Using the red crayon, visualize the color as life essence. Draw a human body, using a star-like shape. Draw the first symbol that comes to your mind when you think of strength and power. (Draw it in red below the human body shape.) Now take the orange crayon. This color represents vitality, potency, courage- draw the first symbol of these qualities that comes to mind slightly above and to the left of the last symbol. With the yellow crayon in hand, concentrate on intellect, and your request for knowledge. Draw a symbol of this directly to the left of the human body shape. Using the green crayon, visualize expansion, abundance, prosperity, growth, love. When you have felt its energy, draw a symbol of above and to the left of the human body. Take up the sky blue crayon, and feel it's energy of expression, communication, spiritual gain, joy, and self-achievement. Draw a symbol of those directly above the central symbol (body). Using a dark blue crayon, draw a symbol to the lower-right of the last symbol. This one should represent synthesis and inner wisdom. It should align with the green shape. In violet, which represents spirituality and guidance, draw a symbol of those traits directly to the right of the red central sign. White is used to link the life-force. Draw a symbol that represents a cycle or strong bond below and to the right of the central symbol. This main pattern is complete. It should resemble a circle of colors and symbols surrounding the body.
Now, trace from the central body, directly to the left. Here, you should come upon the yellow symbol. To the left of that symbol, you will draw another sign, in silver. Hold the silver crayon and feel it's energy, imagine the journey you are embarking on, and draw a symbol of it. Take the gray crayon and visualize flexibility, endurance, persistence and resolve needed to accomplish the changes you desire. When you feel it's energy, draw a symbol of those strengths at the very top/center. (above the human body, and above the light blue sign.) The gold crayon represents activity. Draw your symbol of activation to the far-right (lined up horizontally with the silver symbol). Using black, feel and see the changes you want occurring, the power of this ritual going to work. Draw a symbol of this directly beneath the red symbol under the body. (The bottom of the page, centered.)
Give blessings to all invoked gods, goddesses, and spirits, using a chant to each quarter like this:
"Spirits of the east, powers of air, thank you for your presence and aid in this work. Depart in peace, my thanks and blessings."
Open the circle, release the energy, and say:
"To all spirits visible and invisible that have been present in this ritual, depart in peace, my thanks and blessings."
Hang the resulting picture up somewhere where you can see it often. When you need any of the specific traits energized in each symbol, simply think of that particular color and symbol as depicted in your masterpiece I have tried in once and it increased my power for a hour.
Authorship information for this article was lost when we cast a love spell wrong and all records got destroyed in a fire. Let that be a lesson for us all.
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