- Day: Sunday
- Number:6
- Tarot Cards: The Sun & the 6’s
- Colors: Yellow & Gold
- Element: Fire
- Sun Sign: Leo
- Animals: Phoenix & Lions
- Metal: Gold
- Archangel: Raphael
- Deities: Adonis, Apollo, Bast, Bel, Horus, Lugh, Ra, & Sekhmet
- Gemstones: Amber, Carnelian, & Tiger's Eye
- Incense: Cinnamon, Egyptian kyphi, & Frankincense
- Herbs: Acacia, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Frankincense, Galangal, Heliotrope, Juniper, Marigold, Mistletoe, Orange, & Rosemary
- Aspects: Active change, advancement, arrogance, bigotry, confidence, creativity, ego, fame, favor, friendship, fulfillment, healing, health, honor, hope, joy, leadership, light, monetary gain, personal growth, promotions, power, pride, success, & vitality.
- Day: Monday
- Number: 9
- Tarot Cards:The High Priestess & the 9’s
- Colors: Silver, White, & Purple
- Element: Water
- Sun Sign: Cancer
- Animals: Elephants & Dogs
- Metal: Silver
- Archangel: Gabriel
- Deities: Diana, Hecate, Isis, Khensu, Luna, Morrigan, Neith, & Selene
- Gemstones: Abalone, Moonstone, & Opal
- Incense: Aloe, Camphor, Ginseng, Jasmine, & Lotus
- Herbs: Camphor, Coconut, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lotus, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Vervain, Willow, & Wintergreen
- Aspects: Astral travel, birth, children, clairvoyance, dreams, delusion, emotions, fertility, home, imagination, inspiration, intuition, secrets, sleep, reincarnation, & women's mysteries.
- Day: Tuesday
- Number: 5
- Tarot Cards: The Tower & the 5’s
- Colors: Red
- Element: Fire
- Sun Sign: Aries & Scorpio
- Animals: Basilisk, Horses, Bears, & Wolves
- Metal: Iron & Steel
- Archangel: Khamael
- Deities: Ares, Horus, Mars, Tiw
- Gemstones: Bloodstone & Garnet
- Incense/Perfume: Dragons blood, Pepper, & Tobacco
- Herbs: Allspice, Blessed Thistle, Cayenne, Garlic, Ginger, Pepper, Pine, Tobacco, Wormwood
- Aspects: Aggression, ambition, anger, arguments, competition, conflict, destruction, energy, goals, lust, male sexuality, medical issues, sports, strength, strife, struggle, surgery, upheaval, victory, violence, & war.
- Day: Wednesday
- Number: 8
- Tarot Cards:The Magician & the 8’s
- Colors: Orange
- Element: Air
- Sun Sign: Virgo & Gemini
- Animals: Jackal, Swallows, Ibis, Apes, & Baboons
- Metal: Mercury
- Archangel: Michael
- Deities: Anubis, Hermes, Maat, Mercury, Odin, Oghma, & Thoth
- Gemstones: Aventurine, Flourite, Moss Agate, Opal, & Sodalite
- Incense: Mastic, Sandalwood, & Storax
- Herbs: Almond, Anise, Clover, Dandelion, Dill, Hyssop, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lilac, Mace, Parsley, Parsnip, Peppermint, Pomegranate, Sandalwood, Rosemary, & Vervain
- Aspects: Business, cleverness, communication, contracts, creativity, deception, dishonesty, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, & writing.
- Day: Thursday
- Number: 4
- Tarot Cards:The Wheel of Fortune & the 4’s
- Colors: Blue
- Elements: Water & Fire
- Sun Sign: Sagittarius
- Animal: Eagles
- Metal: Tin
- Archangel: Tzadqiel
- Deities: Amoun, Don the Dagda, Jupiter, Thor, & Zeus
- Gemstones: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, & Sodalite
- Incense: Cedar & Saffron
- Herbs: Agrimony, Anise, Cedar, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Dandelion, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, Linden, Mint, Nutmeg, & Sage
- Aspects: Abundance, business, fame, gambling, greed, growth, expansion, honor, leadership, money, parties, politics, power, responsibility, royalty, success, visions, wastefulness, & wealth.
- Day: Friday
- Number: 7
- Tarot Cards:The Empress & the 7’s
- Colors: Green, Indigo, & Rose
- Elements: Earth & Water
- Sun Signs: Taurus, Libra
- Animals: Lynx, Leopards, Doves, Sparrows, Swans, & Cats
- Metal: Copper
- Archangel: Haniel
- Deities: Aphrodite, Astarte, Brigit, Cordelia, Freya, Hathor, & Venus
- Gemstones: Emerald & Rose Quartz
- Incense: Benzoin, Rose, & Sandalwood
- Herbs: Apple, Balm of Gilead, Bergamot, Catnip, Damiana, Dragons Blood, Geranium, Hibiscus, Magnolia, Mugwort, Plumeria, Rose, Rose Geranium, Strawberry, Vanilla, & Vervain
- Aspects: Art, attraction, beauty, coldness, female sexuality, friendship, harmony, isolation, love, luxury, music, pleasure, scent, sensuality, & social affairs.
- Day: Saturday
- Number: 3
- Tarot Cards: The Universe & the 3’s
- Colors: Black, Grey, & Blue
- Element: Earth
- Sun Sign: Capricorn
- Animals: Crocodiles & Goats
- Metal: Lead
- Archangel: Tzaphkiel
- Deities: Danu, Demeter, Saturn, Ceridwen, Hecate, Isis, Kronos, Nepthys, & Nut
- Gemstones: Apache Tears, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, & Obsidian
- Incense: Myrrh, Sivet, & Storax
- Herbs: Comfrey, Cypress, Datura, Hemlock, Mandrake, Mullein, Musk, Patchouli, Skullcap, Slippery Elm, Thyme, & Witch Hazel
- Aspects: Astral plane, banks, binding, buildings, death, debts, discipline, history, institutions, karma, knowledge, limitations, longevity, obstacles, oppression, pain, real estate, structures, time, & wisdom.