The known history of the coven Acquaintance with Darkness.
History of the Coven :
We do not know how/why the coven originally started. If ever we come up with more information more shall be added as learned.
The current coven placement occurred due to NightmareKid taking over as priest after the coven had become inactive. NightmareKid placed Cielodrive69 up with him, and after a period of time in which she became unable to perform her duties, Night found it necessary to replace his priestess with KitsuneEiai. When Night became inactive, Kit later placed Anomaly up as her priest, and together these two ran the coven for a rather long time.
After a time, Kit became greatly involved in her school work, and turned the coven over to Gladius33, who shortly after removed Ano due to his inactivity. Glad replaced Ano with Lewisj8, as she knew this individual very well and wished to give him an opportunity to be a priest. After a wonderful time running the coven as a unit, Lew became less able to participate fully in the coven, and so Glad replaced him with GPheonix. She and G had a relationship long before this, and so he was chosen as a good choice for her new priest. Glad decided to step down and place Sataset as priestess in her stead. GPheonix, as an inactive and silenced account was removed from priesthood, and at a later date 0Ambrosia1 was promoted as priest in his stead.
Due to his inactivity, Sataset replaced Amb with Naught as priest. Naught appointed Arisa as priestess when Sataset's account became degraded. Arisa served as priestess for several months before leaving the coven. Naught then served as the solo coven leader for a number of months before installing ZetaStorm as priestess.
ZetaStorm served as coven priestess for a year and a half, finding it necessary following that time to step down due to increased demands at home. ZetaStorm then appointed Kaurora as her successor as priestess with Naught's support.
The current leadership exists due to these events, and it is to these events that we pay homage to our past.
Sataset has been a member of the site for 12 years, since May 14, 2013
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