Search Results for "protect my friend"
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Search Results for protect my friend
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The sphere of protection - Magic Forums
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...Try combining the following visualization technique with your meditation to develop the two skills at the same time.Sit comfortably and close your eyes.Now imagine or mentally create a ball of white fire about arms length in the front of you.See it spinning and glowing strongly.See the ball begin to expand so...
Forum Post
...Try combining the following visualization technique with your meditation to develop the two skills at the same time.Sit comfortably and close your eyes.Now imagine or mentally create a ball of white fire about arms length in the front of you.See it spinning and glowing strongly.See the ball begin to expand so...
Friends - Magic Forums
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...I am looking for good conversation from anyone that follows any path I would just love to exchange ideas I am not looking for any fluffs to talk to frankly you all irritate me, just serious people looking for a friend so if you wish feel free to message me. Hope...
Forum Post
...I am looking for good conversation from anyone that follows any path I would just love to exchange ideas I am not looking for any fluffs to talk to frankly you all irritate me, just serious people looking for a friend so if you wish feel free to message me. Hope...
friend that's now a enemy
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...I have a friend that I've helped out let her move in with me and we even got a place together I've cast spells to give her peace of mind to get rid of bad forces that were following her around and even a spell to get her a job most...
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...I have a friend that I've helped out let her move in with me and we even got a place together I've cast spells to give her peace of mind to get rid of bad forces that were following her around and even a spell to get her a job most...
relationship protection - Magic Forums
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...hello just wondering if there is any spells for protecting my relationship.because the guy im with,we had feelings for each other as long as we can remember.thing is our family wont allow us to be together so we are a secret for now.any suggestions Misc Topics relationship protection Reply to this...
Forum Post
...hello just wondering if there is any spells for protecting my relationship.because the guy im with,we had feelings for each other as long as we can remember.thing is our family wont allow us to be together so we are a secret for now.any suggestions Misc Topics relationship protection Reply to this...
protect spell for a room - Magic Forums
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...i need a protect spell for my room just something like when some one walks into my room it makes them feel uneasySpell Suggestions protect spell for a room Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest protect spell for a room By:.......
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...i need a protect spell for my room just something like when some one walks into my room it makes them feel uneasySpell Suggestions protect spell for a room Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest protect spell for a room By:.......
Luck for a friend? - Magic Forums
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...Hello. My friend has been going through tough times lately and I was wondering if anyone could tell me a spell to give them good luck or to charm an object to give to them. It would be really helpful if anyone has any advice. Spell Suggestions Luck for a friend?...
Forum Post
...Hello. My friend has been going through tough times lately and I was wondering if anyone could tell me a spell to give them good luck or to charm an object to give to them. It would be really helpful if anyone has any advice. Spell Suggestions Luck for a friend?...
A.I.D.E.S Protection Spl.
Forum Post
...I was browsing the forums out of curiosity to see what kind of spells were being discussed. I have seen a need for protection spells, so here I've posted one I find quite effect to use when needed. It is called the Active Immune Defense Shield. Take a moment to clear...
Forum Post
...I was browsing the forums out of curiosity to see what kind of spells were being discussed. I have seen a need for protection spells, so here I've posted one I find quite effect to use when needed. It is called the Active Immune Defense Shield. Take a moment to clear...
Protection Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Apple Banishing For purification, protection and healing you must pursue this spell outside outside of your property as you're wanting to remove the negativity elsewhere. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's.......
...Apple Banishing For purification, protection and healing you must pursue this spell outside outside of your property as you're wanting to remove the negativity elsewhere. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's.......
A friend - Magic Forums
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...There is one girl at our class,she's really in a horrible situation,no money,no luck,not living with her parents but in a safe house. I want to help her-but I'm a schoolgirl and I have no money. If she could just get out of that house and live with her mom normally,with...
Forum Post
...There is one girl at our class,she's really in a horrible situation,no money,no luck,not living with her parents but in a safe house. I want to help her-but I'm a schoolgirl and I have no money. If she could just get out of that house and live with her mom normally,with...
Protection Symbols - Magic Forums
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...Hi, Anyone know a good site to get Protection Symbols from?? Bless It Be Spell Suggestions Protection Symbols Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Protection Symbols.......
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...Hi, Anyone know a good site to get Protection Symbols from?? Bless It Be Spell Suggestions Protection Symbols Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Protection Symbols.......
Herbs A-B
... A summary of Herbs starting with the letters A to B. ACACIA: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum...
... A summary of Herbs starting with the letters A to B. ACACIA: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum...
Herbs A-B
... A summary of Herbs starting with the letters A to B. ACACIA: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum...
... A summary of Herbs starting with the letters A to B. ACACIA: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum...
Friend Of The Fae | $2.40
Online Shopping
...Bumper Stickers Bumper Stickers friend Of The Fae Specials & Coupons *Note: Bumper Bumper Stickers may not look exactly as shown. They may change in style or color, but will display the same message....
Price: $2.53 Sale Price: $2.40 (Save 5%)...
Online Shopping
...Bumper Stickers Bumper Stickers friend Of The Fae Specials & Coupons *Note: Bumper Bumper Stickers may not look exactly as shown. They may change in style or color, but will display the same message....
protection - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Does anyone know a protection spell against humans? 4 example: say u had a wand and nonbelievers were joking around saying they were going to steal it some time next week. how could u protect the wand against mortals??????????????????General Info protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new...
Forum Post
...Does anyone know a protection spell against humans? 4 example: say u had a wand and nonbelievers were joking around saying they were going to steal it some time next week. how could u protect the wand against mortals??????????????????General Info protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new...
Spell for a Friend Please
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...Hey all. I have a dear close friend that has been in a job for over 15 years and he is trying to find a new job as this one is killing him (working him to death, never gets to see his family). He has interviewed with a couple places and...
Forum Post
...Hey all. I have a dear close friend that has been in a job for over 15 years and he is trying to find a new job as this one is killing him (working him to death, never gets to see his family). He has interviewed with a couple places and...