Search Results for "protect my friend"
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Search Results for protect my friend
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Herbs A-B
... A summary of Herbs starting with the letters A to B. ACACIA: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum...
... A summary of Herbs starting with the letters A to B. ACACIA: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum...
Friends :) - Magic Forums
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...Me and my friends are getting really distant. No talk helps,because we talk but solve nothing even if we are direct. Is there a spell to bond us back? Spell Suggestions Friends :) Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Friends :).......
Forum Post
...Me and my friends are getting really distant. No talk helps,because we talk but solve nothing even if we are direct. Is there a spell to bond us back? Spell Suggestions Friends :) Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Friends :).......
Helping a friend - Magic Forums
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...My friend is being controled by a girl. To make this easier we will call the girl ''A'', my friend is ''K'', his childhood friend is ''D''. then her X husband ''X''. I am alot older than K but I love him like a son and it kills me to see...
Forum Post
...My friend is being controled by a girl. To make this easier we will call the girl ''A'', my friend is ''K'', his childhood friend is ''D''. then her X husband ''X''. I am alot older than K but I love him like a son and it kills me to see...
making friends. - Magic Forums
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...So ive noticed theres quite a few people that arent willing to socialize. Id love to become friends with anyone willing to msg me. Also know im looking for a teacher. Ive had a few people try to help. But anyways. If your looking for a friend please email me. Or...
Forum Post
...So ive noticed theres quite a few people that arent willing to socialize. Id love to become friends with anyone willing to msg me. Also know im looking for a teacher. Ive had a few people try to help. But anyways. If your looking for a friend please email me. Or...
Helping attract friends - Magic Forums
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...Seems how many have asked how to attract a friend using magic I thought I would add a spell that worked for me long ago. I made this myself. 1.Gather a stick/pillar candle (preferably yellow), sea salt, angelica oil, and garnet. 2.Cast a circle or make one with salt while standing...
Forum Post
...Seems how many have asked how to attract a friend using magic I thought I would add a spell that worked for me long ago. I made this myself. 1.Gather a stick/pillar candle (preferably yellow), sea salt, angelica oil, and garnet. 2.Cast a circle or make one with salt while standing...
My friend needs help - Magic Forums
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...I have a friend that is surrounded by a very dark forse. It's so bad that when he walks into the room you can see it all around him. What ever area he is in apears to be darker than the rest of the room. I feel like he is around...
Forum Post
...I have a friend that is surrounded by a very dark forse. It's so bad that when he walks into the room you can see it all around him. What ever area he is in apears to be darker than the rest of the room. I feel like he is around...
a friendly hello - Magic Forums
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...Hi, just a friendly hello to introduce myself and to ask for a little bit of guidance and support, I have always been interested in becoming a white witch for the benefit of others to be able to help others in their hour of need. however it seems that although I...
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...Hi, just a friendly hello to introduce myself and to ask for a little bit of guidance and support, I have always been interested in becoming a white witch for the benefit of others to be able to help others in their hour of need. however it seems that although I...
make pets friends?? - Magic Forums
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...So we have two cats, and one of them is a male... He's really friendly and an overall goofball. Recently however, we ended up taking in a stray who is also male. They don't get along AT ALL and my cat has seemed sad and depressed... We can't find anyone to...
Forum Post
...So we have two cats, and one of them is a male... He's really friendly and an overall goofball. Recently however, we ended up taking in a stray who is also male. They don't get along AT ALL and my cat has seemed sad and depressed... We can't find anyone to...
Protection spell mix | $3.75
Online Shopping
...Ritual Supplies Spell Mixes & Aids Protection spell mix Protection spell mix Newly Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Spell Mixes &....
Price: $3.95 Sale Price: $3.75 (Save 5%)...
Online Shopping
...Ritual Supplies Spell Mixes & Aids Protection spell mix Protection spell mix Newly Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Spell Mixes &....
Merry Meet My New Friends
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...Blessed be to all, I am loreofdruid, but you may call me Lore. I am an Irish Wiccan, I worship Brigid and Ceronnus, but hope to go one day worship all the gods and goddesses of Irish old. I enjoy peace, happiness, and wholehearted love. My goals in life are to...
Forum Post
...Blessed be to all, I am loreofdruid, but you may call me Lore. I am an Irish Wiccan, I worship Brigid and Ceronnus, but hope to go one day worship all the gods and goddesses of Irish old. I enjoy peace, happiness, and wholehearted love. My goals in life are to...
protection spells - Magic Forums
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...Hi, is there a spell to help protect my fiance from his Ex? She is doing spellwork on him and he has had more badluck then anything lately. He had a car accident, he was held at gun point and robbed, his hours were cut at work, he is always tired....
Forum Post
...Hi, is there a spell to help protect my fiance from his Ex? She is doing spellwork on him and he has had more badluck then anything lately. He had a car accident, he was held at gun point and robbed, his hours were cut at work, he is always tired....
Help turn friend to lover
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...I have a close friend of mine and we have been friends since high school and I have known since high school she had feelings for me and I kinda did too but I was not in a place ready for a relationship when my girlfriend died since then weve hung...
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...I have a close friend of mine and we have been friends since high school and I have known since high school she had feelings for me and I kinda did too but I was not in a place ready for a relationship when my girlfriend died since then weve hung...
Protection Spells - Magic Forums
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...Today I felt the urge to write up and cast a protection spell. Not for myself but for my father as he drives for hours throughout the day. I asked him to take me to the store on his way out after casting said spell. I wanted to pick up a...
Forum Post
...Today I felt the urge to write up and cast a protection spell. Not for myself but for my father as he drives for hours throughout the day. I asked him to take me to the store on his way out after casting said spell. I wanted to pick up a...
Goddess Protection Spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Goddess Protection Spell I made a new protection spell that is more powerful than my protection intence.I hope you all like! Items: *Protection Charm or Lucky Charm(Not the cereal:P) *Yellow candle or white candle Direction: 1.Take your Yellow candle(or white candle)and light it. 2.Hold your protection charm(or lucky charm)over the candle....
Forum Post
...Goddess Protection Spell I made a new protection spell that is more powerful than my protection intence.I hope you all like! Items: *Protection Charm or Lucky Charm(Not the cereal:P) *Yellow candle or white candle Direction: 1.Take your Yellow candle(or white candle)and light it. 2.Hold your protection charm(or lucky charm)over the candle....
Gently Protective Lavender Tea
...A relaxing tea for protection. Place a handful or two of lavender flowers in a teapot. Boil water on a stove top in an appropriate pan. Once boiled pour the pan of hot water into your teapot and add any sweetener you like. Let the teapot steep for 30 minutes on...
...A relaxing tea for protection. Place a handful or two of lavender flowers in a teapot. Boil water on a stove top in an appropriate pan. Once boiled pour the pan of hot water into your teapot and add any sweetener you like. Let the teapot steep for 30 minutes on...