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"mother in law"



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Search Results for mother in law
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19 Enochian Keys
 How to call the nineteen Enochian Keys in both English and Enochian. **Note: Read the Enochian Article on how to pronounce the Enochian words before attempting to read this article. It will provide an easy interpretation of how to pronounce the keys in Enochian as well as English.** The First Key...
Sacred Writing
...Spell Casters Articles Sacred Writing Rated 2/5 Stars This is a small collection collection of writings that are important to the Pagan community. Sacred Writing This is a small collection of writings.......
Prayers to Patrikos and Metrikos
...Patrikos is the Aeon of fathers in Gnosticism. Metrikos is the Aeon of of mothers in Gnosticism. 1. Patrikos, God of fathers, I ask that you help me be a goo father and a good husband when I raise a family one day. 2. Patrikos, please convince the fathers of the world to be.......
St. Brigid Hearth Keeper Prayer
...Christian Wiccans Articles St. Brigid Hearth Keeper Prayer This is a prayer invoking invoking Saint Brigid of Kildare to obtain the benefits and miracles of her spiritual hearth. Brigid of the mantle,.......
Sachenbach40's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: Sachenbach40 Location: Swisher, Iowa Gender: Female Last Seen: Fri, 18 Oct Oct 2024 Coven: Spell Casters Membership: Member Coven Title: Council Personal Bio mother of 7. Beginner of.......
Charge of the Goddess - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Now listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other names. At her altars, the youth of Lacedaemon in Sparta made due sacrifice. Whenever ye have need of any...
Fertility Charms
...Fish Amulet -amulets shaped like a pair of fish made from gold or or mother pearl will increase fertility and virility, bring prosperity. Its also said tooffer you.......
A Gnostic Prayer to Barbelo
...Barbelo is the Mother-Father and goddess of Knowledge, Magick, and angels in Gnosticism. This prayer is a devotion to her. How shall I pray to you, Barbelo, the nameless and unknowable, The infinite and eternal, Self-generating, Self-begetting, Mother and Father, Holy One- Your name is no name, It is only an...
19 Enochian Keys
 How to call the nineteen Enochian Keys in both English and Enochian. **Note: Read the Enochian Article on how to pronounce the Enochian words before attempting to read this article. It will provide an easy interpretation of how to pronounce the keys in Enochian as well as English.** The First Key...
Bide Ye Wiccan Laws, Ye Must
...Pentagram power. Bide ye Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. Form the circle thrice about, to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme. Soft...
Raise your vibrations - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...First off what is vibrations? It's basically the energy in yourself that is moving. Everything is made up of energy and the energy in all things moves,whether it be a higher movement or a lower movement. Keeping your vibration at a higher moving pace will be of great benefit to you...
To Dismiss or Add Your Father's Culture and Relatives?
...We should choose if we want to be from our father's ethnic race, and if his relatives are our family too! People should choose if their father's relatives are their family, if their father's cultures are theirs too. With the mother, I think that's fine too, but I'm mostly focusing on...
Articles of Magic: Dreams
 Dreams might be a message from some sort of supernatural source, or maybe it might be our mind trying to tell us something. Dreams can be an open window into our subconscious. Basically, the things we see in our dreams might be our minds trying to tell us something that when...
19 Enochian Keys
 How to call the nineteen Enochian Keys in both English and Enochian. **Note: Read the Enochian Article on how to pronounce the Enochian words before attempting to read this article. It will provide an easy interpretation of how to pronounce the keys in Enochian as well as English.** The First Key...
The Tree Of Life
 Simple tree of life meditation when wanting to connect with Mother Earth. Sit or stand with your body extended and erect. Breathe deep and with a rhythm. Feel your spine straighten. Imagine your spine is the trunk of a tree. Feel tall and strong. Feel your feet change to roots, strong,...
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