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"how to make controlling"



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Search Results for how to make controlling
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Controlling oil - Magic Forums
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...Can controlling oil be used to make it someone do whatever you want? And what is the ''black box method''? Vodou controlling oil Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest controlling oil.......
Making Spells - Magic Forums
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...So I am new to spell casting. This site has been very helpful for learning more about magic, but I did find a spell on here I have a question about. I actually cannot find the spell again...apologies, I didn't save it. But it was a spell in order to create...
The Vortex - Magic Forums
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...What is a Vortex in relation to magic? A vortex is a naturally, or synthetically made energy center. There are two types of Vortices, but both can be used in similar ways. The first type of vortex is a naturally occurring one, the other is a synthetic one that we can...
16oz Controlling oil | $77.31
Online Shopping
...Magic / Anointing Oils Espiritu 16oz Oils 16oz controlling oil Specials & Coupons Coupons 16oz controlling oil Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Espiritu 16oz....
Price: $90.95 Sale Price: $77.31 (Save 15%)...
Making a broom? - Magic Forums
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...Hello, I am planning on making my own broom soon. I have found a perfect stick outside and I cleansed it and every thing. I just need some recommendations for making my broom... My elements are water and air, and I love the night but I sort of need help with...
How do I make a wand? - Magic Forums
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...Loads of spells require a wand so I really need one? Do any of you know how to make one? If so, write down how down here. Moonlight53 Magic Items how do I make a wand? Reply to this post oldest oldest 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1...
Making a Wiccan Staff - Magic Forums
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...Hello everyone! I've finally decided to start making my own tools for my practices instead of merely buying them(making them much more personal), and was wondering if anyone had some pointers or advice on how to make things such as a staff or an athame. Thanks in advance! Misc Topics Making...
Make Your Own Oils
...The Seven Doves Articles make Your Own Oils An Easy Way to make make Your Own Oils This document is readable only by members of The Seven.......
Make someone NOT love u? - Magic Forums
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...I'm not going to go into detail. But I need a spell to get this guy to stop loving me. It's really effecting my life. I want him to fall in love with someone else (or just anything to draw the attention from me). How can I do this? I've tried...
wand making - Magic Forums
Forum Post baby trees work for wands too? Spell Suggestions wand making Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest wand making By:.......
Making a Prosperity Oil
 Simple instructions for making a prosperity oil. Making a prosperity oil on the sacred day of the planet Jupiter enhances the effectiveness of the oil. Add to a glass jar one part spearmint, one part basil, two drops cinnamon essential oil, and six parts of a base oil such as sunflower,...
making your own deck - Magic Forums
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...Every tarot deck is somewhat different from the others. When you do divination with tarot it is best if the deck suits the individual doing the reading. The more we resonate with our deck, the easier it is to interpret. My personal favorite based on the setup is Thoth. Including the...
spel to make some1 stupid
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...hi , would anyone know how to cast one, that lessens a persons memory judgement and cognitive thinking , if so, will anyone be free to spellcast for me :). even a newbie who wants to try could, I have read its easy to do, would someone willing to try, even...
Making contact. - Magic Forums
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...Hello,I was just wondering if there is any sort of technique for making contact with god,I'm not talking about praying,I mean making real contact,I've heard of a practice called channeling,I think it's supposed to be something along these lines,but I don't know much about it. Thank you for your time. Misc...
Make your own ouija board
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...Please, any one know how to make ouija board? Other Paths make your own ouija board Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest make your own ouija board.......
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