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Search Results for deities
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Deities - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I was wondering, could anyone give me a list of Deities? Link me to a website or something? I'm looking for all types (Greek, Celtic, etc) but mainly these four: -Greek -Norse -Egyptian -Celtic Thanks Misc Topics deities Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages:...
BrynBrown's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: BrynBrown Gender: Female Last Seen: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 Coven: Element Element Magick Reputation: Novice Novice --> Membership: Contributor Coven Title: Priestess Facebook: view Website: view.......
dieties of love and passion
 a few deities for love and passion Deities Of Love And Passion Aphrodite Aphrodite is the Cretan and Greek goddess of love and beauty. Her name means 'born from the foam'. She can be invoked for the gentle attraction of new love as well as for sexuality and passion (hence the...
Alter for the Love Deities
...Spell Casters Articles Alter for the Love deities An alter as a tribute tribute to the gods and goddesses of love. A perfect way to celebrate Valentine?s Day. You can make your own kind of alter if.......
Binding spell - Free Magic Spell
...This spell is a Black magic spell if your definition of Black magic is any magic which involves Controlling ones Free will and useing your will to over power others. If your definition of Black magic is any magic which calls upon Deities which are from not judeu-christian-islamic tradition such as...
Deities - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...So I am an agnostic. I don't really believe in any kind of God or Goddess but I like to keep my mind open to them. I have been studying magic for about 2 years and in every book or source I've read they all seem to have one thing in...
Alter for the Love Deities
...An alter as a tribute to the gods and goddesses of love. A perfect way to celebrate Valentines Day. You can make your own kind of alter if you like, but heres how I do it if youre interested. What you may need: 7 candles (3 white, 1 red, 1 pink,...
Science vs. Deity - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I have always wondered if there is something wrong with blending science and the worship of a deity. I do belive that there is some form of energy or thing that is a deity, like the Godess (and how you feel Her presense everywhere). But, I also belive that there is...
Nafnathulr: Norse Deities
Forum Post
...Velkomin ------ This is more or less a long list of original as well as those Norse & Germanic deities that have added throughout the history and evolution of the Heathendom.I likewise decided to leave out all of the Proto-Norse and Proto-Germanic names and specific gender roles of the deities. As...
Wiccan beliefs - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Their beliefs include: bullet Wiccan Deities: Beliefs differ: bullet Most Wiccans believe that a creative force exists in the universe, which is sometimes called ''The One'' or '' The All''. Little can be known of this force. bullet Most regard the Goddess and the God as representing the female and male...
Horsing Norse Gods
 I'm going to copy/paste some GREAT info from the book, Wightridden (by Raven K, all credit goes to him) , about horsing deities. In particular, certain deities and the traits they can exhibit. The Gods and wights of NT have their own distinct natures. But if one had to sum up...
Divination - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Divinations is a common term that is used for many systems and methods of symbols which we use to help us speak to Deity or to our own Higher Selves- which are of course emanation of deity. If you ask for an omen in response to a question, then you are...
Glossary of Druid Terms
 A short glossary of common terms in Druidry. ''A'' Adventurine - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of positivity, imagination, and a safe conclusion to any form of journey or travel. Agate - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of balance and grounding of energies. Akasha - The fifth...
Glossary of Druid Terms
 A short glossary of common terms in Druidry. ''A'' Adventurine - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of positivity, imagination, and a safe conclusion to any form of journey or travel. Agate - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of balance and grounding of energies. Akasha - The fifth...
Glossary of Druid Terms
 A short glossary of common terms in Druidry. ''A'' Adventurine - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of positivity, imagination, and a safe conclusion to any form of journey or travel. Agate - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of balance and grounding of energies. Akasha - The fifth...
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