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"mother in law"



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Search Results for mother in law
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420 total matches
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The Three-Fold Law
 Self-explanatory The Three-Fold Law is the belief and principle on which Magick is used. This law relates to the use of power and energy, for when used, power is returned to the sender, three times the level it was sent out. Used in relation with the ethos, Do what thy wilt,...
The Three-Fold Law
 Self-explanatory The Three-Fold Law is the belief and principle on which Magick is used. This law relates to the use of power and energy, for when used, power is returned to the sender, three times the level it was sent out. Used in relation with the ethos, Do what thy wilt,...
A Gnostic Prayer to Barbelo
...Barbelo is the Mother-Father and goddess of Knowledge, Magick, and angels in Gnosticism. This prayer is a devotion to her. How shall I pray to you, Barbelo, the nameless and unknowable, The infinite and eternal, Self-generating, Self-begetting, Mother and Father, Holy One- Your name is no name, It is only an...
The Laws of Power - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...The Law of Power 1. The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or to control others. But if the need arises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others. 2. The Power is used only as need dictates. 3. The Power...
A Gnostic Prayer to Barbelo
...Christian Wiccans Articles A Gnostic Prayer to Barbelo Barbelo is the Mother-Father and and goddess of Knowledge, Magick, and angels in Gnosticism. This prayer is a devotion to her. How shall I.......
Laws of Witchcraft???? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...hi!I'm Andy! I've learned about Witchcraft for 2 years now.And i want to do spell like luck,love.....but then i knew on a website, it said that ''what ever you do with magick,it will come back to''.And all i know about Law is Law Of return,Law Of attraction,Law Of three.....And my last...
Law of physics - Magic Forums
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...I read now and then the suggestion of people in here towards Newbies not to do some spells and wishes against the law of physics. I want to challenge this belief. I do agree that physics sets a limit, but do they remain the same and forever? For what I truly...
The Three-Fold Law
 Self-explanatory The Three-Fold Law is the belief and principle on which Magick is used. This law relates to the use of power and energy, for when used, power is returned to the sender, three times the level it was sent out. Used in relation with the ethos, Do what thy wilt,...
Does anyone know..... - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...My grandmother was said to hve been born with a veil covering her face. My mother told me that this was supposed to be a sign that people born like this have magical abilities. This is kind of interesting because I can see her in me, so to speak, and since...
Mother Earth - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...As most of us learn life is a cycle birth, death, rebirth. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. So many things we see is in a cycle. So I question you and myself. Have we broken a Cycle? Our buildings that take force of nature greenery and turns to rock of cement and...
The Three-Fold Law
 Self-explanatory The Three-Fold Law is the belief and principle on which Magick is used. This law relates to the use of power and energy, for when used, power is returned to the sender, three times the level it was sent out. Used in relation with the ethos, Do what thy wilt,...
The Three Fold Law - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Is this absolutely true? Misc Topics The Three Fold law Reply to this post oldest 1 2 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Helping Mother Earth Heal Those in Need
...Black Cross Articles Helping mother Earth Heal Those in Need Rated 4/5 Stars Stars For those not skilled in magick and spells, you can lend strength and energy to those in need simply by lighting a.......
The Three-Fold Law
...Divine Spirits Articles The Three-Fold law Rated 4/5 Stars .......
The Three-Fold Law
 Self-explanatory The Three-Fold Law is the belief and principle on which Magick is used. This law relates to the use of power and energy, for when used, power is returned to the sender, three times the level it was sent out. Used in relation with the ethos, Do what thy wilt,...
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