Search Results for "cast a spell to be seen"
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Search Results for cast a spell to be seen
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Make your own magickal medication/pills
...You can make up your own charging, preferably with ''by the Sun and Moon'' included. Combine all the crushed items in the 0 capsules, a teaspoonful each. Charge the pills with thew charging blessing you made up. Store them in the jar. can make up your own charging, preferably with ''by...
...You can make up your own charging, preferably with ''by the Sun and Moon'' included. Combine all the crushed items in the 0 capsules, a teaspoonful each. Charge the pills with thew charging blessing you made up. Store them in the jar. can make up your own charging, preferably with ''by...
Make them laugh - Free Magic Spell
...Just clap and think about 2 milicm gentiles. Clap x2 Say hi your broke to the navy office. Walk in Shake hand leave clap and think about 2 milicm gentiles. --> Casting Instructions for 'Make them them laugh' You will need the following items for this spell: Google........
...Just clap and think about 2 milicm gentiles. Clap x2 Say hi your broke to the navy office. Walk in Shake hand leave clap and think about 2 milicm gentiles. --> Casting Instructions for 'Make them them laugh' You will need the following items for this spell: Google........
Warding Off Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Cleansing Bath a hot & steamy bath to wash away your negativity. read read more Even more great spells..... Avoidance of 9s Banish Demon Banishing Negative Energies Basic Banishment.......
...Cleansing Bath a hot & steamy bath to wash away your negativity. read read more Even more great spells..... Avoidance of 9s Banish Demon Banishing Negative Energies Basic Banishment.......
Become an egyptain goddess
...These results come in very slowly. It might take years for the full result. Light 3 candles in the dark in a circle, then put yourself in the middle of it. Chant Gods and goddesses please give me the power. results come in very slowly. It might take years for the...
...These results come in very slowly. It might take years for the full result. Light 3 candles in the dark in a circle, then put yourself in the middle of it. Chant Gods and goddesses please give me the power. results come in very slowly. It might take years for the...
The Guardian of the Scales
...This Spell/Ritual is to both Cleanse and purify energy,auras,homes,ones inner cosmos. The Ritual also helps purify entities that may be in limbo/purgatory and invoke the Guardian of the Scales so they may cross over, as to exorcisms & expelling ones Which eradicate and or destroy the spirits or demons. The ritual...
...This Spell/Ritual is to both Cleanse and purify energy,auras,homes,ones inner cosmos. The Ritual also helps purify entities that may be in limbo/purgatory and invoke the Guardian of the Scales so they may cross over, as to exorcisms & expelling ones Which eradicate and or destroy the spirits or demons. The ritual...
Levitating Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Levitate An Object You will be able to levitate an object with easy easy steps. read more Even more great spells..... Astral Projection Beginning Telekinesis Controlling Water Flame.......
...Levitate An Object You will be able to levitate an object with easy easy steps. read more Even more great spells..... Astral Projection Beginning Telekinesis Controlling Water Flame.......
Atmokinesis - Free Magic Spell
...Give ability to control weather. My old alt's one didn't have Atmokinesis as the title. Chant x3: Tempestas and all weather gods and goddesses hear my plea for the ability to control the weather depending upon how I feel ! So mote it be ! And if it harm none then...
...Give ability to control weather. My old alt's one didn't have Atmokinesis as the title. Chant x3: Tempestas and all weather gods and goddesses hear my plea for the ability to control the weather depending upon how I feel ! So mote it be ! And if it harm none then...
Marriage Spells - Free Magic Spells
...a Love Brew This is am herbal perfume designed to draw love to to you. read more Even more great spells..... Cupid's Love Pillow Enhanced Fertility Love Blessing Candle Lovers' Chant.......
...a Love Brew This is am herbal perfume designed to draw love to to you. read more Even more great spells..... Cupid's Love Pillow Enhanced Fertility Love Blessing Candle Lovers' Chant.......
Warding Off Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Banishing Incense Eliminates all bad spirit forces. read more Even more great spells..... spells..... Avoidance of 9s Banish Demon Banishing Negative Energies Basic Banishment Break a.......
...Banishing Incense Eliminates all bad spirit forces. read more Even more great spells..... spells..... Avoidance of 9s Banish Demon Banishing Negative Energies Basic Banishment Break a.......
To found a magic or Wicca school
...Will help you get a magic or Wicca school formed. You will need to request to have your magic or Wiccaschool built first Then choose the requirements for each year Nextchoose the name for your magic school Then choose the subjects Next choose the names for the houses Finally decide how...
...Will help you get a magic or Wicca school formed. You will need to request to have your magic or Wiccaschool built first Then choose the requirements for each year Nextchoose the name for your magic school Then choose the subjects Next choose the names for the houses Finally decide how...
hickory eyes - Free Magic Spell
...your eyes will change within a night. it really depends the person and how long they want their eyes to change. chant this twice Eyes eys change change, be black as black, even blacker than black, this is my wish so mote itbe and your eyes will change. eyes will change...
...your eyes will change within a night. it really depends the person and how long they want their eyes to change. chant this twice Eyes eys change change, be black as black, even blacker than black, this is my wish so mote itbe and your eyes will change. eyes will change...
Love Incense - Free Magic Spell
...An incense blend to help promote loving relationships. Mix your pods, hibiscus and orange peel and add to the top of an oil warmer that uses a tea light. Light your tea light candle and place in the warmer. Allow the scent to slowly permeate the space. Use this incense for...
...An incense blend to help promote loving relationships. Mix your pods, hibiscus and orange peel and add to the top of an oil warmer that uses a tea light. Light your tea light candle and place in the warmer. Allow the scent to slowly permeate the space. Use this incense for...
How to McFall - Free Magic Spell
... I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN MCFALLEN --> Casting Instructions for 'How to McFall' You will need the following following items for this spell: I'VE MCFALLEN.......
... I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN I'VE MCFALLEN MCFALLEN --> Casting Instructions for 'How to McFall' You will need the following following items for this spell: I'VE MCFALLEN.......
Enchantment Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Black Tide Cleansing Water Requires much concentration and three day charging time. But But is an excellent way of keeping your belongings and self from falling victime to negative.......
...Black Tide Cleansing Water Requires much concentration and three day charging time. But But is an excellent way of keeping your belongings and self from falling victime to negative.......
Gently Protective Lavender Tea
...A relaxing tea for protection. Place a handful or two of lavender flowers in a teapot. Boil water on a stove top in an appropriate pan. Once boiled pour the pan of hot water into your teapot and add any sweetener you like. Let the teapot steep for 30 minutes on...
...A relaxing tea for protection. Place a handful or two of lavender flowers in a teapot. Boil water on a stove top in an appropriate pan. Once boiled pour the pan of hot water into your teapot and add any sweetener you like. Let the teapot steep for 30 minutes on...