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"mother in law"



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Search Results for mother in law
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The Laws (Subject.) - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...( I would Like the Coven to Post there Personal Views and Opinions on this Subject and study into the Laws. Understand that with these laws come the Key to Magic.) The Laws are as Follows. The Law of Knowledge Self-Knowledge The Law of Names The Law of Words of Power...
demon_dark's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: demon_dark Birthday: Apr 13 Gender: Male Last Seen: Thu, 29 Dec Dec 2011 Membership: Member Personal Bio date entered 11/7/2011 if it is 9am in the usa it is 12am where i am okay after.......
3 FOLD LAW! - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I'm a nice person, I personally don't believe in hurting people, BUT what do you do when others hurt you. Here is a a scripture from my favorite book ''Utterly Wicked: Curses,Hexes,and Other Unsavory Notions ''.....''Through the Rede, the Threefold Law, and the Laws of Karma may apply to most of...
Meetings and Mothers day - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...HAVE A SAFE AND WONDERFUL MOTHER'S DAY... BE BLESSED AND SHARE THE LOVE WITH OTHERS... Due to today being Mothers day in the United States, It might be hard for some of us to be able to make the early meeting today as wells as the Angels of light... I have...
Law of Threefold Return - Magic Forums
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...I've never been able to accept the law of three - I've always found the law of return to be so much more fitting. I don't mean to disagree I'd like to discuss not argue or anything like that Intent without action is worthless, and action without intent is worse than...
The Movie Magick Law
...This is a law that most questions on what you can do with magic are solved. What is the move magick law? This is a law that I have told multiple people. The movie magick law is a Wiccan law that I go by and it is pretty simple. When you...
The Movie Magick Law
...Spell Casters Articles The Movie Magick law This is a law that most most questions on what you can do with magic are solved. What is the move magick law? This is a.......
Law of Attraction and Universal Laws.
...What people don't like to admit,But most of the time can't figure things out like this. This is based upon that of what I gathered about this actual law and like many , some are able to use it easily ,and others don't because they don't have the right mindset when...
Law of Attraction and Universal Laws.
...Spell Casters Articles law of Attraction and Universal Laws. What people don't like like to admit,But most of the time can't figure things out like this. This is based upon that of what I gathered.......
The Universal Laws
 These are my beliefs on the universal Laws of Creation. I might have missed a few so bare with me. LAW OF DIVINE ONENESS - We are all connected in this one reality like links on a chain, through one you can influence the other. What you do to one you...
The Old Laws - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Your High Priestess In the Magic Circle, the words, commands, and every wish of the High Priestess are law. She is the earthly,living representative of our Gracious Goddess. She must be obeyed and respected in all things. She is Our Lady and above all others, a queen in the highest sense...
The Law Of Power - Magic Forums
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...The Law of the Power The power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others. The Power is used only as need dictates. The Power can be used for...
Prayers - Magic Forums
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...After thinking it over about Wiccan Prayers I actually did find some. So here they are: Thank You For This Day Thank You for this day on Earth Ancient Mother who gave me birth Healing Mother who keeps me strong Crone Mother who brings each new dawn. Thank You for the...
Threefold Law? - Magic Forums
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...Honestly, the Threefold Law, to me, returns to Christian Concepts of ''Sin'' and ''Retribution to the Wicked''. It states that whatever energy you send out returns to you, either triplified, or affecting you on three levels of being. So don't send out magics linked to Personal Gain, Spite, Vengeance, or anything...
Law of Attraction - Magic Forums
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...Law of Attraction is manifesting thoughts that you want into the physical realm. We are all creators of our destiny. When we concentrate on something with 100% attention to it we attract it into our lives. Its something that defies quantum-physics. Lets say you want a job or something that you...
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