White Candle: Represents Purity, Spirituality, and Peace. In some cultures it is the color of Death and Mourning.
Red Candle: Represents Health, Energy, Strength, Sexual Virility,Courage,and the Masculine Principle in Nature.
Pink Candle: Represents Romantic Love, Affection, Friendship
Yellow Candle: Represents Intellect, The Powers of the Creative Imagination, Memory, Communication, and Mental Agility.
Green Candle: Represents Abundance, Fertility, Good Luck, and Harmony.
Blue Candle: Represents Healing, Truth, Inspiration, High Wisdom, Occult Power, Psychic Protection, Understanding, Good Health, and the Feminine Principle in Nature.
Purple Candle: Represents Success in Financial Affairs, Psychic Ability, Idealism, Spiritual Powers.
Gold Candle: Attracts Positive Influences, and it's connected with Justice and Career Matters.
Silver Candle: Represents Clairvoyance, Astral Energies and Channeling. Also the faculty of long term memory and remembering past lives.
Black Candle: Can be used for grounding negative Energies and also can be used for protection.
Brown Candle: Used for feeling of Self Esteem.
Orange Candle: Represents Attraction, Stimulation, Control, Personal Strength, Authority, Luck, Ambition, Property deals.
Magenta Candle: Energizes rituals where immediate action and high level of power or spiritual healing is needed quickly. Quick changes, Exorcism, Spiritual Healing.
Lavender Candle: Represents Intuition, Dignity and Spiritual Shields.
Copper Candle: Represents Financial goals, Business, Career Strategy and Professional Growth.
Indigo Candle: Represents Color of inertia, stops situations or people, use in rituals that require a deep meditation state.
Royal Blue Candle: Represents Promotes laughter, happiness and loyalty, use whenever an influence needs to be increased.
Light Blue Candle: Represents Spiritual color, helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations, brings peace and tranquility to the home, employ where a situation must be synthesized.
Emerald Green Candle: Represents the Attraction of Love, Social delights and Fertility.
Dark Green Candle: Represents the color of ambition, greed and jealousy, counteracts these influences in a ritual.
Gray Candle: Represents Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation, in magic this often sparks confusion, it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.