Full Moon Wiccan Lover

This article was added by Divine Spirits

Rituals are meant to nourish us, even those that are not formal in nature. The best ritual is aesthetically and spiritually simple and attractive. It is flexible and evokes all of our senses. A sexual ritual can be simple, but each act must be undertaken in a sacred manner.

The moon has feminine qualities. Full moon energy stimulates the following qualities in both men and women: It rules intuition, affection, and spirituality. It stands in response to life and states of mind. Since it relates to water energy and rules the tides, it guides changes, movement, and body rhythm in women - including pregnancy and physical life changes. Lunar energy affects the breast, ovaries, and digestive system.

Each month, the full moon creates a period of intensified energy and elevated spiritual activity.


Find a spot in your sacred space where you and your partner can watch the sky and the full moon. Light three white candles on your sacred altar and turn off the lights. Play some relaxing, mysterious, spiritually harmonious, mystical music.

Do a breathing or relaxation exercise as a couple.

Move softly to the rhythm of the music you selected, until you feel deeply relaxed. Once you are ready and have relaxed all your muscles, you can get started. Sit comfortably, in the lotus position if you wish.

First, stare at the full moon for a few minutes. Focus on your feelings and thoughts as you stare at the moon. Once you feel you have gazed long enough, close your eyes. You will probably still see an afterimage of the moon in your mind's eye. Imagine there is a ray of light coming from the moon towards you. The light enters the top of your head and travels through your body, bathing it in light.

Once you feel the light energy of the moon enter your body, visualize the white light of the moon as a spiral, penetrating and protecting the room where you are now sitting.

Once you have finished the meditation, thank the moon for Her power and Her love, and for the experience She granted you. Breathe in deeply three times and slowly open your eyes. Look at the full moon and repeat your thanks. You may then make a wish for the coming month.

The full moon shines light on a couple. This is a good time for creativity and for romantic encounters. Your body becomes altered and excited more readily than at other times of the month..

Let the moon, that Great Goddess, bless and protect your love.

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