Egyptian Magick

This article was added by Spell Casters

Caution Ancient Egyptian Magickal Techniques Are dangerous when misused by ordinary people. Although anyone can create a magick spell, not everyone can master the invisible forces at work behind it. For those with an innate illumination of Emerald Fire in their minds when in complete darkness, you'll benefit the most.For Everyone else, allow me to introduce to you the Abilities that result from this system of magicks.

Telepathy: The ability to communicate by thought-radiation , or mental projection into one's surrounding environment, is gained by silent mental concentration of willpower. Magick is often a by-product or technique of religion. In time you will think to each other. You will be able to create mind tricks  in other minds, such as invisibility or visions.

Elemental Projection: The ability to influence the weather, Solar Activity, the Earth, and anything orbiting above.  By thinking in a Microcosm you can influences the Macrocosm as with scale models or visualization techniques.

Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation): The ability to influence the future events with focused will power and waiting. This is effective for spell casting and in social media. Prolonged use and you may create prophecies. 

Clairvoyance: The ability to know events that happened in the time sequence, as in the past, present, or future. This is effective when handling items like clothing, Ancient Artifacts, personal effects of a missing person, or in visions of possible outcomes of given situation. 

Egyptian Necromancy: The ability to communicate with the souls or spirits of the deceased or disembodied entities. 

Clairaudience: The ability to hear the disembodied voice of the deceased soul or spirit, after summoning it. 

Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate Gravity with the mind or soul energy. 

Attraction: The ability to send you different ideas from other people, as with love, money, power, or sustenance. This uses Telepathy & Chronokinesis. 
During the Ancient Egyptian times: the Mage or Priest/Priestess  would have a Temple to practice in. The Temple was his/her office. All the tools were found there including the Magick Circle drawn on the stone floors in chalk or colored powders, an altar with golden idols of the Gods/Goddesses (veiled til used),fragrant incense to clear the air and purge the room from insects or for sanitation, fresh offerings from worshipers. The Mage had an ample supply of wax to make figurines of his to make figurines of his targets, similar to modern African Hoodoo ceremonies, whereby he modeled cities or armies of wax and melted enemy targets over a candle flame,Etc. As the Mage lived in the Desert of Egypt, sand and clay were available for rituals, involving sandstorms or for sealing a rope knot (lock). 
Energy can also be summoned to you.
In naturally occurring areas like Hawaii or the Tropics this Energy is available; to test this try playing Games of Chance while there and count the number of wins. If you have a disturbing dream that reveals to you a Secret Name, use this name in a Energy Summoning ritual for Psychic Energy whenever you are depleted. 

I will make a part two of Egyptian Magicks in another article.


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