Transformation for Every Animal


Crystal ball
5 Pieces of grass
Dead rose
2 Towels
6 Red Candles
Bird feather


This may not work. Don't get mad at me. Use it to transform into whatever animal.

Spell Casting

Light the 6 red candles and put them into a circle. Lay the grass in the middle with the feather on top of it. Now take the crystal ball and rub it as you chant: "Let me see a bird in the sky, a wolf howling, a hawk screeching".

Take the towels, get it soaking wet. Let the water drip onto the dead rose. Throw the rose in the woods, preferably near a tree and high enough a bird could see it. Blow out the candles and do the same with them as you did the rose. Follow suit with both the grass and feather.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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