IngredientsDark Bottle with corkSour Milk Old Red Wine Dried Rosemary Tea Tree Oil DescriptionKeep away gossip harming ones self.
Spell CastingTraditionally, witch bottles filled with rusty nails, sour red wine (or even urine) and sprigs of rosemary were buried under the doorstep of a house as an age-old method of keeping away spite. Take a dark bottle with a cork and into it pour sour milk, old red wine and some dried rosemary, saying: "Viciousness and venom, malevolence and malice, feelings turned sour, envy and spiked tongues, begone." Close the bottle with a cork and shake it over a sink, saying: "Curdle and coil, serpents of spite, hiss and miss me, spit where you will do no harm." Uncork the bottle and run it under the cold tap until the mixture has flowed away and the bottle and sink are clean. * Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the bottle and pour some into the sink drain and rinse the bottle again. Saying: "Anger cease, go in peace." Note that you have neither attacked anyone nor even returned the spite. You will probably find that the other person may be more positive on the next encounter. If you are suffering from an emotional vampire who drains you emotionally, add powdered garlic to the mix. It really works. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.