Foot Track Banishing


1 bottle/glass jar


It's a spell to send your target's footprints downstream as to cause the banishment. If it's not possible to perform this spell exactly, please try another.

Spell Casting

1) Follow the target of your spell discreetly, observing their footprints.
2) When you see a clear, distinct left print, dig it up in its entirely.
3) Take it home in a bag, then transfer the dirt to a glass jar or bottle, being careful not to lose or spill any of it.
4) Seal the bottle very tightly shut, adding a wax seal, if you like.
5) Take this to running water flowing away from you.
6) Turning your back on the water, throw the container over your left shoulder without looking, take care not to hit anything you shouldn't.
7) Walk away without looking back once.
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