Sawdust Spell




This spell will keen up your senses!

Spell Casting

Lay down. Close your eyes. Imagine a busy carver carving wood all day, with a saw. The saw stretches across the pannel of wood, with flakes of sawdust fluttering down, one by one. Slowly a pile of sawdust flakes starts to grow, until it becomes about as tall as an average nine-year-old. You enter the scene. You cautiosly eye the sawdust pile. Then, uncontrollably you make a wild dash and jump into the sawdust pile. You are covered in sawdust, prickling your skin, but you are just laying peacefully on top of the pile. Now open your eyes. You will feel as if you are actually laying on top of that sawdust pile, and you'll feel the sawdust slightly prickle your skin. When you blink, you are back in the real world. Good Luck!!
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