IngredientsMortar and pestleStorage containers to keep the herbs Labels for the containers Measuring spoons DescriptionSome of the recipes I have come up with myself and thought I should share.
Spell Casting
These are a few of the incense recipes I've made:
Burn as a incense and pass items through the smoke to cleanse and empower them. Any items work, such as crystals, magickal tools, jewerlly, etc
Burn as a incense to rid yourself of depression, burn in a ritual to heal depression, use in a sachet and wear to fight depression. Also can be used in a ritual bath to cleanse self of depression. Has a very calming scent.
Burn to bring positive, peaceful vibrations. can also be used in a sachet or sprinkled around a room to bring peace and relaxtion
Burn during banishing rituals and spells while visualizing to break bad habits. Also can be used in a sachet.
A sleeping aid. Burn before bed to bring restful sleep and good dreams.
Use during Divination, scrying, Tarot, or psychic magick. The wormwood and Mugwort are used for divination, psychic powers and calling spirits. The Angelica will provide protection while doing divination work. And the Lavender is to sweeten the smell and help you relax
Burn to bring positive energy, sprinkle around room to remove negative energy and replace it with positive
Burn while meditating. *Meditation Incense 2*
Another Meditation mix, but shorter.
Burn to enhance psychic powers, also can be burned for divination.
Burn as a incense to attract/bring love toward you. Burn while visualizing to send love to another. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.