Lifting Shyness Spell


A small key
Rosemary oil
Burning fragrance/incense


This spell is for use when an available person seems interested but reticent

Spell Casting

To start, take a small key, hold it to your bosom and say:
"Confident be he who holds this key, that my treasures will yielded be."

Blast the key with vibrant, come-hither energy, then embalm the symbol in rosemary oil, saying:
"Hesitate not, future lover, but your feelings now uncover."

Pass the key several times through the smoke of some fragrant incense, and say:
"Inhibitions float away, love and lust are here to stay."

Send the key one last bolt of Venusian allure, and slip it into your potential lover's pocket or bag. Let him or her work the rest out for himself.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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