Morning star Psi-feed


A good reserve of chi, the Will to shape and direct it, and people to feed on.


An advanced method of feeding on the chi of multiple targets using an energy construct.

Spell Casting

Start by visualizing a psi tendril, extending out of your receptive hand.
Now you will need to create a psi ball at the very tip of the psi tendril. Do this by forcing chi down the tendril, and allowing it to fill the tip like a psi balloon being inflated by a hose.
Once this is complete, continue forcing energy into the ball until it begins seeping out of the psi-ball in filiments.(do not allow the ball to pop or deflate its chi, continue holding its spherical form with your Will.)
Finnally, if you have done the following correctly, you should have a psi tendril with a "morning star" at its tip. The "spikes" of the morning star, or its filiments if you will, are the devices through which you will feed, you will do this by extending the tendril/ morning star into a crowd of people and allowing the filiments to search for and attach to life forms, once this is done all thats left to do is pull in the chi.
Hope this info was helpful any questions feel free to contact me.
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