



It's to enhance your spiritual shapeshifting spells greater.

Spell Casting

Before you read this this may only shapeshift you spiritually, and most people do not believe in the concept of p-shifting spells, so it may be a fantasy spell.

Walk in a 3 foot circle in your mind, the walk in a 7 foot circle within your mind, then imagine a pot with 3 sticks to hold it up, make a fire underneath the pot, then say within your mind:

"Spirits of the leas
That grow upon the trees,
Be kind to me

Spirits of fire and ice
That are fair and nice,
Be kind to me

Spirits of the dead
That glide with noiseless trend
Be kind to me

Spirits of the undead
That are awake in their beds
Be kind to me

Spirits of wolves, werewolves
Vampires, satyrs and ghosts
Elect all your devilish hosts."

Turn the flame blue in your mind and you should turn into a wolf.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.