Ingredients4 white candles8 leaves Fire to light the leaves pieces of hair photo Gold Bowl Make sure your palm is flat see you Hand should be side of the bowl DescriptionThat person or group of people did bad to you. Make the spell that will make them sick during the Full moon till the Blood moon rises . Then cast the spell 4 times in a dark room. Burn the leaves, hair, and photo in a gold bowl. Make sure your hands is on the side of the bowl face up when you see the palm of your hands.
Spell CastingIn Afrikaan LanguageFor those who do bad to me For Those you sicken me Make them rise till their sickness Make them worst Me need the engery for soul Life is not for them I gave you the hair and photo of them Give me them ENERGEY! GIVE ME THE ENERGY! THEY SHOULD PAY! Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.