Ingredients1 White candle2 Yellow / Orange candle ( Either one is acceptable) 1 Grey towel. 3 Metal Candle holders. 1 Black Paper 1 White piece of chalk. Voice. DescriptionThis spell allows you to cast all you're energy into your mind allowing you to open the gate to the forces of the universe.THEIR IS A FEW CONSEQUENCES Do not blame any of the consequences on me . These are your own actions . So take action by knowing effects will happen .
Spell CastingPlace the towel down on the middle of the base you're using.Grab a candle holder and place the white candle into the middle. Grab another two candle holders and put one on each side. Lay your black paper down and create a pentagram with your white chalk. Get in a position as if you were going to meditate and focus on your white candles flame. Chant .. : Oh mighty creators of heaven and earth let me see whats hidden inside of your thick crust so I shall be able to learn the secrets within . So mote it be. As you have chanted that 1 time close your eyes with the yellow / orange candle in your mind and go into its flame and you'll reveal some unknown secrets.. This spell works with Half Moons and full moons . Suggest > Be a Dark Witch / Wizard / Spell caster as doing this. If you focus to much you might forget what happens If you don't focus enough you might not be able to see anything but a Green or Yellow orb. Some consequences , Nightmares . Headaches Dizziness ( IF PERFORMED Wrong curse may occur it isn't a very strong curse so a white magic Performer can break the spell. This spell also brings confidence. And it gives you the power to see within the earth. I perform this when I need to blow off steam or when I am practicing spells. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.