This spell is to be used with. "Spell of connection and focus". This spell will enable to to read anyone's mind using only your mind, and visualization skills.
Spell Casting
Enter focus, connect with the flow using meditation. Now, visualize the person who you wish to read. Once you do that, close your eyes. Now, see yourself. Keep the image of the person in your mind also.
Now, imagine you walking in that persons mind, all the memories, everything. You walk as if you are physically in that persons mind. Now, seek the path. Find the memory you want to read, it doesn't matter what it is if you want a random read to prove yourself. If you want a particular memory/thought read then focus on that.
Once you find it, it will immediately be available to you. Now, the next stage is to reverse what you have done. Leave that persons mind. Imagine you leaving through a door, and close it behind you. Find yourself, and imagine you opening a door on your head, enter it, then close it.
When you open your eyes, you will have what you have gathered in your head. This will take practice, but it is much faster than it sounds. Instant in fact.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.
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