IngredientsWhite or Green teaLemon or Vanilla extract Rosemary Honey Sugar Bowl or Cauldron DescriptionA good substitute to coffee, this is great for quickly on the go before you... I don't know, wrestle a bull? Ki Blast someone?
Spell Casting1. Add a TINY dash of extract into the bowl/cauldron.2. Add the rosemary, a tsp. of honey, and a tsp. of sugar to the bowl/cauldron. 3. Mix them all together to form the first part. 4. Heat up the mixture in the microwave for 1 minute. 5. Brew the tea. 6. Mix the dry mixture into the tea. 7. Put in a bottle for on-the-go, or drink it as soon as my make it! Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.