Truth Tea


Ground Cloves
Ground Coriander
Ground Cinnamon
A Coffee Filter
A piece of thread
A metal bowl

Your Dagger (Athame, whatever you choose to call it)


A simple kitchen witch spell, that requires very few ingredients.

Spell Casting

1. Brew a pot of water.
2. Mix the herbs together.
3. Pour them into the coffee filter.
4. Tie the coffee filter shut with the thread, and make sure it's tight. making a tea bag.
5. Put the tea bag into the bowl.
6. Pour the boiling water into the metal bowl.
7. Let it steep for 6 minutes.
8. Stir the tea with your dagger (Make sure it's clean), and say:
"As I stir,
three times three,
All who drink this magick tea,
Shall tell the truth,
None shall lie,
Let it be done,
So say I".

Invite the person in, and pour them a cup of tea, and the truth will come pouring out.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.