IngredientsWaterSunlight Something to write with and on Patience DescriptionThis spell is for everyone with a low self esteem or low self image of body shape. If you are overweight and have trouble losing weight and comitting to a diet, this spell should work great for you. However, this spell can go terribly wrong if done incorrectly or for the wrong reasons. NEVER do this spell if you are any of the following:Anorexic, bulimic, or any other eating disorder Underweight Normal weight If you have a serious medical illness that could cause you to lose excessive weight without the spell WARNING: this spell is extremely effective; hence you will lose a lot of weight. It is meant only for those who truly need it. Do not abuse it, it is irreversible. It can be controlled when used properly. But if misused, bad things can happen that could result in major illnesses, injuries, or death. You could potentially lose up to 800 lbs using this spell. You can ALWAYS control the amount you lose, but be very cautious, and safe and do not go too far. If you are wondering, yes, there are some eating habits required for this spell.
Spell CastingYou will first need to think about how much weight you are wanting to lose (please be realistic, DO NOT ask to lose more than what you I said bad things could happen when you go too far). You will need to right this amount on a piece of paper and place it in a bowl of ice cold water. For example: *You would right this on your paper*_ My name is (insert name here) and I need to lose weight. I have struggled with my weight for (insert amount of time here) and it's time to put a stop to it. I would like to lose (insert number here) lbs in (insert time here) months. Cleanse my body to be happy and healthy. So mote it be.Place this paper in a bowl of ice cold water and leave it outside in the sunlight for 24 hours. You MUST take the bowl inside on the 24th hour or bad things will happen. After the bowl is brought inside, you must immediately take the paper out of the water. It should now be completely black due to the sun. You now must bless the water with this spell: I call the gods of shame and fate To grant my weight to escape from my body And away for as long as I live I will be happy and healthy and as thin as I wish So mote it be! Say it one time only and keep the water outside over night. Let the paper dry and store it in a safe place. Remove the water bowl from outside after it has completely evaporated. Remember to exercise and eat healthy (the spell will force you to anyway). You will lose weight within your requested time. Please be careful with this spell. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.