Ingredients4 candles(each one should be in different colour if possible)concentration chalk DescriptionThis spell will grant you protection from elemantals.
Spell Casting1. Draw with chalk a square with each top pointing to one side of the world.2. On the each top of square put one candle. 3. Light the candles. 4. Stand in the middle of the square and concentrate. 5. Turn to the north candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Earth. Shield me with your rocks and stand by me in every battle. 6. Turn to the east candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Air. Blow away all the sorrow and stand by me in every battle. 7. Turn to the south candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Fire. Burn down all the enemies that stand in my way and show me the right path with your guiding light and stand by me in every battle. 8. Turn to the west candle and say: Come to me Elementals of Water. Wash away troubles and bless me with your presence and stand by me in every battle. 9. Extinguish the candles. Done! Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.