Ingredients1.Bell2.Candle(RED) 3.Spring Water 4.Rock 5.Iron Glass DescriptionKills fear of death/rejection/pent up fear/anxiety
Spell CastingKeep a bottle of water nearby, Light your candle and place the rock just before it, the rock can be graphite or Laterite, best if you can manage a Obsidian one. Now ring the bell and slowly start filling the iron glass with water as you chant''Mighty sword Might guns Ten thousand guns Ten thousand swords As I fill my cup Mortality erase from my soul As the water fills the glass'' x 2 times Now after the glass is full let it overflow and empty the whole bottle. Now ring the bell out and pick up the rock and hit it on floor for 5 times and chant ''Terra Sum tempestas fusca Terra Sum tempestas fusca Earth I am the darkest tempest The sword shall never fall The rock shall never move'' Then yell so mote it be! And put down candle. You'd notice a change in your behavior, you'd be taking more risks and willing to engage more. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.