IngredientsHonesty Orange PotionA few Sprinkles of Kindness Powder Laughter Light Blue Liquid Generosity Purple Glitter Red Loyalty Fire An Empty Flask Magic Magenta Dust DescriptionHave you and your friends ever wanted to use the magic of friendship Just like the Mane 6? Well, this is your chance, you just have to cast this spell correctly, otherwise, it will all blow up!
Spell CastingHum the MLP:FIM Theme Song, and each whisper an element of harmony, for exemple: Honesty, and then whisper: Kindness, and so on until each element of harmony is whispered, the final friend shout:
Magic!!!, so then if an super evil person is bothering you, you won't doubt in gathering your friends and using the Magic of Friendship on him. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.