Weight Loss through Fire


Red candle: health
Yellow candle: Beauty
White candle: transformation
Pen and paper
Bottle pendant and chain


This spell uses color and candle/fire magick to help the caster lose weight. Though not tested, the element may be swapped out with another. The spell may have to be rewritten.

Spell Casting

1. On the paper draw an outline of the current body shape you have. Over exaggerate slightly when drawing.

2. Light the candles and place the white candle above the head for mental transformation, the red candle on the chest for health, and the yellow candle on the feet for overall beauty. Say:



"With this extra weight I carry, It is making my life dreary, Help me now you three flames, to lose this weight and not to gain."



3. In a new color, draw what you want your body to look like inside the larger outline. As you draw say:



"White for transformation, Red for health, and Yellow for beauty, I will work with this magick to the weight I don't need, so mote it be!"



4. Light the paper on ALL three candles and let it burn out in the bowl. Keep the ashes in a bottle pendant and keep it with you at all times.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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